The collected set of cards for every magic ring shared by the Oracles games, plus a few extras can be found right here.
Check out the other seven completed sets of cards under the collected tag here.
In looking back through the set, I find that I really liked the idea of the set, but I could have executed the whole thing better. This is probably how everyone feels when they look back on something they made in the past with the wisdom and skill of the present.
I really liked how the tentacle ring, the sign ring, and the set of bomb rings turned out. I am less fond of the power ring series and the rupee rings series. Both of those series feel off and unrefined.
What was your favorite ring?
Next week will be a few items I drew for my home game. After that, I will start posting the items from Oracle of Seasons.
Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent.
Be excellent to everyone.