Sunday, March 27, 2022

Wind Waker: An unsuccessful fishing trip from Wind Waker.

Wind Waker: An unsuccessful fishing trip from Wind Waker.

Grappling Hook: The grappling hook is a multi-purpose tool that Link can use while adventuring to navigate difficult wide gaps and high elevations, steal from enemies, or retrieve distant objects. While he is sailing in the King of Red Lions, the grappling hook becomes a salvage crane that can hoist up lost treasures from the seafloor. Link is given the grappling hook by Medli in thanks for saving her from capture by Moblins in the caves atop Dragon Roost Mountain

Fishing trips aren’t the same without your lucky fishing pole. When you forgot your lucky pole at home and had to stop at some side of the road general store to be the very last pole in stock, you knew this trip was up to an inauspicious start. At the end of the first day, you haven’t even had a nibble while everyone else is struggling to not catch a fish every cast. It must be this cursed pole.

Iron Boot: The iron boots magically increase Link’s mass when worn. This securely anchors him to the ground, allowing him to slowly navigate gale force winds and pull over heavy objects that would have normally been resistant to movement. When removed, the increase to Link’s mass instantly disappears allowing Link to comfortably navigate the world without having to worry why just carrying the boots wouldn’t slow him down as much as wearing them. Link must complete the trials of Icicle Ring Island quickly enough to avoid being frozen solid by the island's frigid temperature to earn the Iron Boots.

It isn’t unheard of to catch some trash on a cast or two during a fishing trip. Actually catching a boot like some turn of the century cartoon is pretty rare though. Catching a matched pair of boots, on two different casts, in different parts of the river, and catching nothing else the whole trip means your new pole must have been cursed.


Spring has legally sprung where I am but that doesn’t mean it isn’t frigid today. I can’t wait for temperatures warm enough to enjoy sitting outside in the sun sipping on coffee and reading a book.

The world is full of terrible inequity and great harm is allowed to proceed unchecked. Inject some positivity into the world.

Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Wind Waker: The titular item from Wind Waker.

Wind Waker: The titular item from Wind Waker.

Swift Sail: The swift sail is only available in the HD rerelease of Wind Waker. When used, the swift sail changes the direction of the wind to blow whichever way the boat is heading without having to use the Wind Waker to change the direction of the wind. This sail also allows the King of Red Lions to sail more swiftly than the regular sail. Link can obtain the swift sail in the Windfall Island Auction house only after receiving the titular Wind Waker.

This wheel came from the wreck of the heavenly barge of the gods that crashed on the shores of primordial chaos. Since being salvaged from the wreck, the wheel has been installed in many ships the worlds over. Each ship has come to an untimely end, but the divine powers held in the wheel tempt an endless line of captains to try their luck against the wheel’s curse.

Wind Waker: The Wind Waker is the royal conductor’s baton used to lead the chorus of sages. The King of Red Lions gives this to Link upon arriving at Dragon Roost Island to help him navigate the Great Sea and its many hazards. Link can use the Wind Waker to control the winds, command the elements, and conduct the many musicians scattered across the seas.

The owner of this wand is imbued with the power and poise to command the fundamental elements of creation. Leading the wind and sea in song, opening the bowels of the earth, or tapping out a tune for a dancing flame are just a few of the feats made possible by this wand. A prophecy speaks of one who will take up this wand to lead a chorus of sages whose voices will reawaken destiny.


It is great to see these cards start to find their way into the world. It took me more than a year to finish drawing all of the 112 items in Wind Waker. I almost gave up this whole project because of the many instances of art block I experienced during this draw. All that is in the past. The draw for Wind Waker is over and I will be starting on the items from Four Swords Adventures after a much needed break.

Be excellent to everyone.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Wind Waker: The first two items from the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.

The first two items from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.

Telescope: Link is lent this telescope by his younger sister Aryll to use on his birthday. She is sure to remind him that he needs to return it after his birthday. Unfortunately, Aryll is kidnapped before Link can return her prized telescope. For the rest of the game, Link uses the telescope to spot far-off points of interest in his adventures through the Great Sea.

This looking glass allows users to see far-off things in perfect clarity, but so do all telescopes. What makes this one special is its ability to show things as they truly are when viewed through the lens. As this telescope was designed to be used at extreme distances, its true sight is far less useful for spotting anything already close enough to strike.

Sail: Unsurprisingly, the sail is used when sailing to catch the wind and propel Link’s ship and companion, the King of Red Lions. Without the sail, the ship cannot hope to sail the open seas. Without wind, the sail hangs slack and useless. Link must buy the sail from Zunari the merchant of WIndfall island, but players should consider the 80 rupees required to buy the sail an investment in their burgeoning naval careers.

The art of weaving moon cloth was lost when the last of the lunar weavers was consumed by demonic corruption. Those in search of the luminescent cloth must first barter with the demonic weavers for their corrupted cloth and then purify the cloth at one of the few holy places to the moon goddesses that remain untainted. Some of the most hopeful, or naïve, point to the fact that moon cloth can be purged of its corruption as proof that the demonic corruption could be purged from the land and its people. 


Welcome to the first items from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. This is my favorite console Zelda game. I won’t say that it is objectively better than other console titles in the Zelda franchise, but it has a very special place in my heart mostly due to its wonderful art direction.

The theme for this set of items is vaguely nautical, so be prepared for items you could find on a ship, in the open seas, or just sort of related to something that is related to something nautical. I play pretty fast and loose with these themes, so know that everything won’t be entirely under the obviously nautical umbrella.

Daylight savings' "spring forward" happened today. I hate daylight savings and I hope I live to see its abandonment by all of the world.

War around the world is a human tragedy. Make the world a better place, however you can.

Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Seas of Amphora: Three witchy items from my home game.

Three witchy items from my home game.

Broom of Flight: For their first broom, most young witches are given a simple broom to learn and practice with. This fine broom would be wasted on an aspiring young witch. At least, that is what everyone but our young witch’s estranged mother thought when she sent this broom for her daughter’s 16th birthday.

Hat of the five winds: Simple or ignorant fools claim that there are only four winds, but those educated in the arts know there is a fifth wind, the mage wind. Being able to call on the mage wind starts with being able to sense its presence. This hat helps novices begin to hone their skills at sensing and then speaking with the mage wind.

Soul Siphon: Set in the base of this curved knife is a hazy gem inscribed with the rune of sealing. Those unfortunate enough to die after being cut by this blade have their soul trapped in the gem until drawn out into some other vessel. The hag that forged this blade has a hidden room filled with glittering gems, each a prison for a stolen soul.


Thanks for the diversion into works not relating to Zelda. Next week we will start posting the items from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an awful act of naked aggression. It is a tragic waste of lives and resources. Imagine what our world could accomplish if we could divert all the resources that are spent creating tools of killing and instead tackling climate change, wealth inequity, food scarcity, universal healthcare, and so many more challenges facing the only world we can live on.

Be excellent to everyone.