Sunday, May 26, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A shielding charm.

 Four Swords Adventures:  A shielding charm.

Blue Bracelet: This bracelet offers brief magical protection to any Link that can find it. Having the bracelet halves the damage that Link takes in the stage the bracelet was found in. Like all power-up items in Four Swords Adventures, the protection offered by the bracelet only lasts for a single stage. 

This shielding charm’s enchantment is entirely contained in its polished piece of fossilized shell. While the nature of the fossil resonates with the abjuration magic of the spell, there is a limit to what the spell can intercept. If the blue glow dims, the protective shield has been spent, leaving the wearer vulnerable to attack.


Welcome to the items from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. There aren’t many items, but I did end up drawing quite a few cards as the theme for the set was dual/duel which meant most cards had a second version or at least a partial color swap.

Check back in every Sunday for more item cards to tickle your imagination and spice up your inventory.

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