Sunday, March 18, 2018

I'm not an artist: A belated introduction and some more items from The Legend of Zelda

The point of the I'm not an artist series is to get myself to put things out into the world as I practice drawing. I am using this space to build good habits and create things for others after years of being a lurker.

Here are another five items from '84's The Legend of Zelda

White Sword: This is pretty much me drawing the version of the White Sword from Hyrule Warriors. This has a paladin's claymore feel. Sort of like Chrysamere or a Holy Avenger

Life Potion: When you have black and white to work with, a bottle of potion can look like a bottle of ink or even poison. Not all healing potions have to be milky white or primary red. If this potion isn't pure enough looking for you, wait a few weeks to see another attempt at a potion in a bottle. 

Recorder: This is a redrawing of Link's recorder from the animated series. The only part of the anime series I have seen are these gems showing Link isn't just another stoic silent hero. Also, I hope music classes are still teaching recorder in grades school. I would hate if students missed the chance to experience all the classics

Arrow: A basic arrow that looks like it will go in but not come back out too easily. With the repetitive nature of items in the Zelda series, I have the chance to draw a lot of objects many times. Arrows are one of those objects. I hope to have more interesting arrows to show off in the future.  

Rupee: The Hylian Rupee, it should be HR on the fictional exchange markets, is the backbone of the steadfast economy depicted in Zelda games. Even with the rupee literally growing on trees and in grass, runaway inflation has not destroyed the buying power of the rupee. This card could be a checkpoint, a target, a power generator, a lost relic, a crystal tomb, or many other things. Sci-Fi and Fantasy loves their crystals and here is a simple one to use however you fancy. 

Like I stated before, lately I have been inspired by Index Card RPG (ICRPG). For his ICRP cards, Hankerin Ferinale draws cards that he thinks are either universal or are so critical they need their own art. I don't follow the same guiding principal with these object cards because I am going through each Zelda game and drawing every item listed on the "Items in Game" wiki page. These aren't the most unique object cards in history and I know they will get a bit repetitive due to the nature of my source material but I want to encourage anyone to use these in your personal pursuits however they help. I will say that I hope you don't repost my work without giving me credit or use my work to make money without asking me first. I doubt that will be something I have to worry about yet but I do want to at least ask for some human decency. 

I also think I will draft up a back for my "cards" at some point. When I have released all the items in a set, I will set up a PDF that could you can print to have double sided cards to use in physical spaces

Have fun out there. 


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