Sunday, June 16, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Throwing axes with bloody pasts.

 Throwing axes with bloody pasts.

Boomerang: Like other pedestal items, the boomerang can be used by any Link that picks one up, but only until they pick up a new item or finish the stage. Boomerangs can be used to pick up far-away objects and stun enemies, and in Four Swords Adventures Link can cause the boomerang to hover in midair before calling it back.

The tomahawk belonged to a freedom fighter who waged a guerilla war against an oppressive colonial empire. The hatchet belonged to a crime lord whose blood reign of terror was ended with their own axe. Together they represent some of the finest examples of tools becoming weapons in the hands of the powerless and are a highlight of the Collector's most recent acquisition.


The connection might be a bit weak here. Boomerangs and throwing axes are both thrown weapons. That’s it.

My first exposure to the concept of the Axe Gang was through Kung Fu Hustle. If you haven’t watched it, you should.

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