Saturday, October 31, 2020
Holidays: A candy bucket for the scariest Halloween ever
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Not an artist: Five items from Oracle of Seasons used by the oracle.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Not an artist: Five items from Oracle of Seasons you can find on a long voyage
Five items from Oracle of Seasons you can find on a long voyage
Master Sword: Just like in Oracle of Ages, the master sword can only be obtained by passing a secret in a linked game. Link’s sword is upgraded upon passing the secret from King Zora of Labrynna to the Zora in the Hero’s Cave in Holodrum. If Link has not yet obtained the noble sword, he receives that and then sets up the finding of the master sword in the hazy lost woods at the conclusion of the trading quest.
I should note that this is obviously not a sword, and isn’t very reminiscent of the master sword in any obvious way. My inspiration was that the weapon’s sprite was blue and blue is often associated with water. With that in mind, I drew the first water weapon that occurred to me.
This harpoon belonged to the captain of a whaling ship that had become obsessed with slaying the greatest whale in the seas. The captain’s obsession doomed the ship and all of its crew, save one sole survivor. The harpoon was last seen buried in the flank of the behemoth whale as it pulled the captain and their ship down into the inky depths of the ocean.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Not an artist: The first six items from Oracle of Seasons wielded by zealots and crusaders.
Wooden Sword: In Oracle of Seasons, Link finds the wooden sword in the depths of the Hero’s Cave in the Western Coast of Holodrum. This means that the wooden sword is technically the first dungeon item in Oracle of Seasons. In a linked game where Link has already fought through the dangers threatening Labrynna, Link begins the game with the wooden sword and the Hero’s Cave becomes optional.
The theme I worked within for the items from Oracle of Seasons was the elements. I usually stuck with the four classical elements from western mysticism, but I didn’t follow that for every item in the set. With that in mind, the wooden sword was an earth element weapon, so I drew one of my favorite weapons from all of fantasy as it technically had a stone head.
The Hammers of the Bright Path are a rigid militaristic order founded to protect all from the influences of beings they refer to only as the Fallen Guides. The Hammers believe that once a being or place has been tainted by the Fallen Guides, it is irredeemable. With their crystal weapons channeling the light of the Bright Path, the Hammers utterly destroy anything they deem beyond saving.