Sunday, August 18, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Majora’s Mask found in an unnerving hotel.

Five items from Majora’s Mask found in an unnerving hotel.

Rooms Key: The key to the Knife Chamber at the Stock Pot Inn in Clock Town. This room was originally reserved by a Goron who shares a name with our intrepid hero Link. Link can assume this unlucky Goron’s identity simply by saying he is the person who reserved the room. As a result, Link the Goron is forced to sleep on the street. This key gives Link permission to come and go at the Stock Pot Inn as he pleases instead of having to wait for it to open or sneak in through the second floor deck.

It is always odd coming to a large inn during the off season when inclement weather keeps other travelers away. Staying in an unfamiliar lodging is unnerving enough without the skeleton crew staff avoiding any direct question with cryptic double talk. Even the key to my room seems to be off. I swear the thing is writhing around in my pocket like an eel, but when I check everything is normal.

Letter to Kafei: A letter written by Anju to her missing lover Kafei. Anju asks Link to get this letter to Kafei, which is odd because Link uses the postal service to deliver it. One would assume that Anju would have thought of that. Kafei is so excited to get this in the mail he leaves the door he is hiding behind unlocked.

I find myself rudely awoken by knocking at my door. When I went to the door to politely ask whomever was knocking to respect the Do Not Disturb hanger on the knob, I saw no one and found only a strange envelope. Though I cannot read the writing, I somehow know that it is some sort of invitation. To what, I can hardly guess.

Pendant of Memories: If Link has found Kafei’s hiding place after having Anju’s letter delivered, Kafei will explain that he has been turned into a child in one of Skull Kid’s malicious pranks. He has also lost his wedding mask to the thief Sakkon. He gives Link this pendant to give to Anju to let her know that he still intends to keep his promise of marriage.

After receiving the strange invitation, I found myself unable to sleep. In a vain attempt to battle my insomnia I began to wander through the empty halls of the Spring’s Pass Inn. My wandering led me to the bar where the bartender poured me a drink and solemnly passed me an obsidian scarab grasping a pale green disk of stone.

Special delivery to Mama: This letter was written by Kafei before he rushed into Ikana Canyon to chase down the thief that stole his wedding mask. Link can deliver it personally for a bottle or use the postal service to earn the postman’s hat

After the confusing exchange with the bartender I resolved to stay safely away from whatever was going on in this mistake of an inn. Sleeping fitfully, I dreamt of eerie songs and charnel festivities that culminated in my beating heart being cut out of my chest and replaced with that black scarab and its sickly green stone. Waking with the rising sun I rushed to leave this way stop that had offered me no rest. When I opened my door to finally leave, I found a simple brown box in a small pool of dark crimson. The box began to rhythmically shake, and as my terror grew so did the beating of the thing inside the box become faster and faster.


The main inspiration for this post was The Shining by Stephen King. There may be some disagreement between the movie and the book, but I enjoy both deeply.

I should mention that the Letter to Kafei, Special Delivery to Mama, and any other piece of stationary in Majora’s Mask can be traded to the Mysterious Hand to receive a Piece of Heart. This got a little old to type over and over again, but it is an important bit of information for anyone playing the game. 

A few notes on the art this week. The monstrous version of the room key let me play with my tentacles which is always fun. Gotta love tentacle monsters. Also the key section of that is playing with the symbol for They Who Must Not Be Named. The special delivery is a cardboard box that is based on the box at the end of Se7en.

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

Be excellent to everyone.

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