Sunday, August 29, 2021

Four Swords: A bonus ring not from Four Swords.

A bonus ring not from Four Swords.

Jurassic Ring: Inside the amber of this ring is a creature that lived in the dawn of life on this world. That piece of history, frozen in in amber and time, is the key to traveling back through time to those ages long before the rise of humanity. We must be careful to only observe as any disturbance might make the time we return to unrecognizable, or worse just recognizable enough.


These bonus drawings were inspired by, but not directly related to, the Gnat Hat from two weeks ago.

I don’t love how the bugs in this perspective turned out, but I am really proud of myself for pushing through and trying something new. I grew while drawing these and I am proud of them for that fact alone.

I don’t just draw items from the Zelda games, I draw bonus items that, I think, create nice sets within my catalog. If you agree or like something else I offer, please consider donating on Ko-Fi if you are able.

Part of being excellent to everyone is identifying what is good about you and being kind to yourself. I’m actively working on that right now which is why some of you may have noticed the “Not an artist” tag and language has started to drop off my work. I may not feel like the most accomplished artist, but I make some sort of art and don’t need to self censor into a lesser category.

Be excellent to everyone.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Four Swords: An ominous circlet from Four Swords.

An ominous circlet from Four Swords.

Crown of Flies: If you were given absolute control over the strongest but most terrible force, would you change its course or would you use it for personal gain? Could you hope to change the course of such a machine or to prosper from such evil without being wholly consumed? Only fools dally in hypotheticals, take the crown and see what you could do with real power.


These circlets were the base of the Gnat Hat drawings from Four Swords we covered last week. That hat was built upon them. I knew I would draw the circlet since it seemed like such a straightforward process to draw a hat atop an already existing band.

I was imagining different dukedoms of hell would all have similar crowns but the different icons of each dukedom would be suspended in the amber. The Dukedom of Flies and the Dukedom of Spiders need at least a few more peers and rivals. What do you think would make for good icons for diabolical houses?

Self-shill month continues as I again ask you to consider dropping me a tip on my Ko-FI if you like what I do.

Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Four Swords: Three wondrous hats from Four Swords.

 Three wondrous hats from Four Swords.

Gnat Hat: As with all the equipable items in Four Swords, the gnat hat is found on item podiums and can only be picked up if exchanged for the currently equipped item Link is carrying. By donning this hat, Link shrinks down to the size of a bug. This diminutive stature allow Link to pass through small gaps, stand on small platforms, or simply avoid being picked up by fellow Links.

When making deals with otherworld beings, one should always be very careful how they word requests. A simple request like, “I want a hat that will allow me to fly” or, “Make me a cap that allows the wearer to climb like a spider.” The first request resulted in a hat that instantly transformed the wearer into a common fly and usually resulted in them being trapped under a now enormous hat. The second turned the requester into a hat that, when worn, gives the wearer supernatural climbing abilities and the unshakable feeling that someone is just behind them.


This item is very similar to the Mage’s Cap and the Minish Cap that both appear in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for the DS. I absolutely loved that game, and can’t wait to start drawing its items. 

I love drawing and posting these items and I will continue to as long as I have passion for the project. If you are enjoying the project,  please consider dropping a tip over on my Ko-Fi. You can get there by hitting the purple donate button on the top or bottom of the page.

I am prewriting this post, so I’m not sure what the world will look like in a few weeks. I do have hope that many people have chosen to get vaccinated against COVID after seeing the very real cost of remaining unvaccinated. Vaccination helps limit the spread and severity of this serious disease. So does wearing a mask when you are in groups. Doing both works even better.

Protect yourself, the ones you love, and everyone else by doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Four Swords: The old ball and chain from Four Swords.

 The old ball and chain from Four Swords.

Chains and Manacles: These drawings were inspired by the Chain Chomp item from Four Swords we covered last week.

The most lucrative bounties are those that ask for the target to be returned alive. Those are also the hardest to bring in. For the bounty hunter on the go, chains and manacles are sometimes the only things keeping a future paycheck from becoming a death warrant.


I often find myself inspired to draw some additional items based on the drawings I make to represent these items. That chained ball flail screamed an old fashioned ball and chain used to keep prisoners hobbled. From there it was a short jump to make a pair of manacles. That is the story of how one item from Four Swords turned into five item cards.

If you appreciate all the variations I give items, please consider dropping a tip over on my Ko-Fi. You can get there by hitting the purple donate button on the top or bottom of the page.

I recently heard that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that no people receive booster shoots for the COVID 19 vaccinate until a greater percentage of the poorer world had the chance to receive their first doses. This was such an important reminder that the opportunity to get a vaccine, let alone choose to avoid getting an available life saving vaccine, is such a privilege that members of the wealthiest countries are taking for granted. Everyone who is currently eligible to receive a COVID vaccine should immediately go get one to ensure that we are all doing everything we can to stop the spread of this continuing pandemic. We should also all be asking our representatives to more equitably share vaccine resources, especially intellectual property, so that all people have a real chance at being safeguarded from this disease.

If you have chosen to not receive a COVID vaccine and are able, please go get vaccinated.

Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Four Swords: A spiked flail from Four Swords.

A spiked flail from Four Swords.

Chain Chomp: Available only in Vaati’s Palace, the fourth and final stage of any Four Swords game. Like all tools in Four Swords, the Chain Chomp is only available from pedestals that appear in a given level and may only be kept in the level the Chain Chomp appeared. When used, these aggressive companions attack every creature within the chain's reach beside the Link holding the chain. This means that the Chain Chomp will attack enemies and other Links with equal fervor. Attacking your fellow Links may not be seen as good teamwork, every time your Chain Chomp bites a fellow Link they drop a few of their hard-earned rupees which you can steal. 

This living stone flail is the only companion to the solitary warden of the savannah. The flail has spent so long with the gnoll that it has learned to imitate the gnoll’s eerie cackle. Many a poacher has been chased out of the grasslands by a war band of gnolls that is just a warden and its eager companion.


I've got some big changes in my life happening right now and every little bit can really help. If you like the items I draw and think they have given you a few dollars' worth of benefit, please consider dropping me a tip or a donation in my Ko-Fi.

There are so many different issues going on in the world right now, but I think the ActiBlizzard news is an event that is just a spotlight on a much larger issue. Systems that support and comfort white cis-gendered heterosexual men at the expense of all other groups are not just limited to game development companies. We all need to work together to hold companies, government, and social groups to higher standards that create spaces where all people, especially historically marginalized groups, can feel safe, supported, and free to be their best selves.

Be excellent to everyone.