Sunday, August 25, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Boots of a speedy god

 Boots of a speedy god

Pegasus Boots: These boots allow Links to sprint at great speed. Running that fast allows Link to smash into enemies and objects with tremendous force, jump gaps,  or to shake large obstacles with the collision. As with all the pedestal items, Links must give up their current pedestal item to obtain this new pedestal item and can only use it in the level it was found.

These boots look just like the ones the messenger of the gods wears, except these are old and shabby. How did such famous boots end up collecting dust in your grandparents’ attic? What else could be hidden up here?


After the news that Zelda will be the playable protagonist in Echoes of Wisdom, I saw a comic online that shows Zelda using Wisdom to solve the classic, something on top of a shelf puzzle, by getting something to stand on instead of Link’s smash into the shelf to knock stuff on top off method. Gave me a good laugh. I don’t know where I saw it or who made it, but if you do let me know.

If anyone in your playgroup has an issue with you having a comic book item in their high fantasy adventure, just say these are the Boots of Speed from WarCraft 3.

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Hauntingly beautiful earring

 Hauntingly beautiful earring

Moon Pearl: These large pearls allow Links to open the many Moon Gates that connect Hyrule to the Dark World. The dark world is a close reflection of the Light World but has key differences that can allow Link to overcome impossible challenges in the Light World alone. Each moon pearl can only open one moon gate, shattering after use. Link can earn moon pearls by completing puzzles or be given them by people they meet during their adventures.

These classic pearl earrings were intended as an anniversary gift but were sadly never delivered. Just days before the occasion the couple perished in a tragic fire. The two spirits now haunt the charred earrings, bitter about the lost opportunity at a happy life but enjoying a grim undeath. 


Simple things are often some of the hardest things to draw in a compelling way. I do think grounded simple objects play a far more important role in making loot interesting than just throwing more wacky enchantments on a sword.

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A legendary mallet

A legendary mallet

Magic Hammer: The magic hammer of Four Swords Adventures can smash certain obstacles into the ground, bash enemies, and it can even be used with a mighty swing to daze enemies in a short shockwave. Like the various other pedestal items, the hammer must be picked up from a pedestal in exchange for whatever other pedestal item a Link is holding and can only be used in the stage where the item is found.

Gallagher the Hammer fought in the great vine wars when the forest guardians turned their ire on the foul kingdom that had been despoiling their borders. He earned fame by single-handedly holding back waves of leshy warriors besieging Fort Liberty. Even though the forest’s reclamation ultimately destroyed the kingdom, the tales of Gallagher laying waste with his great maul live on. 


This post was of course inspired by the prop comedy stylings of Gallagher, aka the comedian who smashed watermelons with a big hammer.

Also, no matter how jokey a character might start, you can always find something compelling in a story. A forest successfully reclaiming a kingdom and then veteran spending the rest of their life smashing melons as a rebellious display is a bit reasonable and a bit epic.

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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Light leech lamp

 Light leech lamp



Lamp: Lamps are pedestal items in Four Swords Adventures which means they can be used by any Link that picks them up for the duration of the stage they are found on. Lamps shed light, illuminating darkness, and can be swung to start fires and light torches.

This simple-looking lantern burns no oil. Instead, it slowly drinks up light and shadow when not in use. Opening the lens, the lantern sheds the stored light to see in the dark or the stored shadow for some controlled discretion.


Drewly has come and gone once again. I always enjoy sharing a big chunk of art all at once.

I’m returning to my regular weekly posts of new item cards, so see you next week with another item from Four Swords Adventures.

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