Sunday, March 11, 2018

I'm not an artist: Five(ish) more items from The Legend of Zelda

Here are six more drawings inspired by items appearing in the 1984 The Legend of Zelda. I included six because the two hourglasses are effectively palette swapped.
Clock: These two hourglasses could be twin magical items that each bestow one important power over the flow of time. 

Fairy: Humanoid forms still pose a real challenge for me. I tried to channel an unseelie fey vibe into this drawing while also relying on using mostly the black silhouette to hide a lot of my inability. The insectoid and vaguely alien faeries of Magic the Gathering's Lorwyn/Shadowmoor have been my favorite visual for faeries since it came out in 2007.

Map: A map in a leather wrap. Not a lot to say about this one. I try to just go with my first impulse when I am do these drawings. A map being unfurled on a table was the image I attached to for this drawing.

5 Rupees: This could be a macguffin or a set piece in an encounter. I had been playing through Borderlands 2 when I was working on this set of drawings. This crystal growth is very much inspired by the crystal formations on Crystalisks and in the environments where they appear. 

Wooden Shield: A beat up wooden shield with a metal band around the edge. The guard shields of the various holds in Skyrim were a major inspiration for this simple doodle. I love the Elder Scrolls games so I would expect to see their influence as I try to draw fantasy items. 

Here are more pieces I did to practice drawing in Photoshop. For now I plan to draw every item that appears on the list of items in The Legend of Zelda according to the Zelda wiki I decided to use. I was motivated to start drawing again after stumbling onto Hankerin Ferinale's drawing videos while I was looking to steal mechanics for a Pathfinder campaign I am now running. Him sharing his pursuit of playing like a big ol' bad ass and always striving to be mo' better has been inspiring. 

That's all for now. 

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