Sunday, July 14, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Pendant of balance

 Pendant of balance

Force Gems: The Link’s must gather force gems during their adventures to restore the true power of the Four Sword that has been diminished by Vaati’s dark magic. Force Gems are found throughout the Links’ exploration and are usually rewarded for impressive feats of skill and speed. Two thousand force gems must be gathered during each level to pierce the veil of darkness at the end of each level.

This heavy jade pendant is given to initiates who seek the way of balance. After communing with the amulet, the prevailing energy of a person shines from the pendant. Only through long rigorous effort can a person manifest and eventually true balance in their energy.


That’s two weeks of Drewly 2024 down and about two more to go. I hope you are celebrating all the work you’ve already completed.

What is Drewly?

Drewly is a month-long art challenge for July where you post art you have already made. No new art just for Drewly.

There are three rules:
Only post art you have already made.
Post as much or as little as you are comfortable with.
Tag your posts with #drewly and #drewly2024

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating:
Make a one-time donation with Ko-Fi:
Become a sustaining supporter on Patreon: 

Thank you for your support.

Be excellent to everyone.

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