Sunday, October 13, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five fish from Majora’s Mask 3D you could find in a deep ocean trench.

Five fish from Majora’s Mask 3D you could find in a deep ocean trench.

Termina Bass: Here is your basic fish Link can expect to catch often, without even trying. Referred to as a carefree swimmer, Link can find bass in the Swamp Fishing Hole on any day, at any time, without having to do anything special. This fish appears to be a close relative of the Hyrule Bass Link can catch in Ocarina of Time.

The blackhead bass is an uncommon sight in the depths of ocean trenches as they only descend into the lightless depths once during their life for an, as yet, unknown reasons. The trip does not seem to be part of any mating ritual and does not seem to be connected to the fish’s maturity. Observers have noted that the bass that return from the trenches have the blackest heads as if they brought some of the darkness back with them.

Termina Loach: This fish hides in the deep waters of the Swamp Fishing Hole. Link can catch this fish using a sinking lure near the stone pillar on the first and third days. On rainy days, like the second day, the loach will come up from the bottom of the fishing hole and stay near the water’s surface. The Hyrule Loach bears a striking resemblance to its Terminian counterpart. 

I hate this drawing. I just had been so fed up with drawing fish I phoned this one in and moved on. The odd thing is that this wasn’t the last fish I had to draw. I just felt compelled to wash my hands of this particular fish while I was drawing this ugly boy. 

This ill-tempered fish is known as the arrow fish. It earns its name from the way it throws itself at prey in an attempt to impale the prey on the arrow fish’s sharp boney lower jaw. The arrow fish is fiercely territorial and will recklessly attack almost any creature intruding its realm.

Ambrosial Amberjack: The first of the fish that Link can catch in the Ocean Fishing Hole, the Ambrosial Amberjack is found of the ocean’s deep waters. As such, it can be caught near the north part of the fishing hole near the open ocean but only with a sinking lure. 

While the death’s shadow fish may have an intimidating name, it is, in fact, effectively harmless. With its great globe-like eyes, this fish is constantly on the lookout for predators and can detect even the smallest movements. Seeming to startle at nothing, visitors to the trench mused that the fish must have seen death’s shadow and fled. 

Bashful Angler: While this fish may appear menacing, it is exceedingly shy and avoids attention at all costs. It makes it home near the sunken ships in the Ocean Fishing Hole, and can only be caught with a sinking lure if when Link is wearing the Stone Mask that makes him almost impossible to nice. How the bashful knows there is a person at the other end of the fishing line is one of many unsolved mysteries of Termina

The lure of the beating heart angler does not emit light, instead, it mimics the failing heart of a dying fish. Most of the trench’s inhabitants ignore such a lure, but it is particularly effective in attracting the blind sharks that hunt using vibrations in the water. The beating heart angler is not particular about its prey, any curious creature that ventures near the beast’s jaws risk a bite from its needle-like teeth.

Dancing Sea Bream: If you need a fish to hit the club with, the dancing sea bream is the fish for you. This sea bream is attracted by dancing, so Link can don Kamaro’s Mask and lure the fish with the late Kamaro’s amazing moves. Link must, unfortunately, take off Kamaro’s Mask before casting the lure since the spirit of Kamaro keeps Link dancing as long as he wears the mask. The sea bream can be found in the Ocean Fishing Hole from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. any day of the week. I assume it spends its nights getting funky in some undersea diskotech.

Wise goldfish are supposed to be the ascended spirits of those wise sages who discovered a hidden secret of the universe in a previous life but were unable to understand its significance. The sages now have a lifetime to ponder the secret in the near-perfect calm of the bottom of the ocean as these gold scaled fish. The merfolk that inhabit the deep places forbid harming these fish, going so far as to build and guard temple monasteries for the fish.


Thanks for holding on through another fish post. I am trying my best to keep the ideas fresh and interesting.

Please use my work personally as you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

Be excellent to everyone. 

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