Sunday, October 13, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Those keys you were looking for.

 Those keys you were looking for.

Small Key: Small keys unlock regular locked doors in Four Swords Adventures. That is pretty normal, but what makes these keys more unique is the fact that a Link must carry the key from wherever it was found to the locked door above their head like a pot. If the Link is hurt, the key drops, and if the key drops into a pit, the key returns to its initial location.

Have you seen my keys? You know the ones to the car with the pocket knife? What do you mean they are on the Internet? How the heck did they get there?


Dropping these keys in a standard fantasy game as a joke only to have the players change their entire quest to discover the minivan that this key unlocks would be something that would happen at my table.

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Dual dueling pistols for pistol duels

 Dual dueling pistols for pistol duels

Slingshot: The slingshot fires deku nuts that stun enemies. Charging up a shot before firing increases the shot's distance. These are the last of the pedestal items from Four Swords Adventures. If you don’t know by now, pedestal items can be found on pedestals throughout each level, but a Link can only carry one pedestal item at a time.

With the criminalization of pistol dueling came the advent of discreet pistol duels. Using small pistols that fire such an insignificant round as to rarely kill a person quickly, these duels gained popularity among the aristocratic youth. They are perfect for those ill-advised honor duels seen by young elites as exhilarating instead of foolish.


That idea about dueling above is based on the real pre-World War I fad of sword dueling at university fencing clubs and proudly wearing facial scars earned in the duels.

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