Sunday, March 24, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Ocarina of Time that can be found at the Temple of the Contemplative Yak.

Five items from Ocarina of Time that can be found at the Temple of the Contemplative Yak.

Bug: These blue beetles love to burrow in the ground and particularly enjoy the patches of soft soil that Link can find in his travels. Since Gold Skultulas often make their home in these patches of soil, beetles burrowing in the soil forces the skultulas out of their burrows so Link can slay the monster and release its cursed soul. 

Bullhorn beetles get their name from their large single horn and their extremely aggressive behavior. Mostly active during dawn and dusk, Bullhorn beetles see anything that is not a mountain yak as a threat, attacking with a ferocity unfitting of their size. Even though they cause the monks of the temple great annoyance, the monks see the beetles as a boon since they guard the yak herds against threats natural and supernatural and regularly turn over the soil with their daily burrowing. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

I'm not an artist: Six items from Ocarina of Time you can find in an enchanters workshop.

Six items from Ocarina of Time you can find in an enchanter's workshop.

Claim Check: If Link can manage to get the Biggoron their much-needed eye drops, the smith can finally get to fixing the broken sword. The sword can’t be fixed instantly so Link is given a receipt to prove he is the true owner of the sword, as compared to all the other people braving the ascent up Death Mountain

The process of enchanting an object always begins with a formula. As an enchanter begins to draft the ritual, strands of magical energy are caught in the tablets and scrolls used to record the process. Outlined in the notes are the materials needed and the steps required to complete the work. Once the enchanter has charted their course, they can begin the work in earnest. As the ritual concludes, enchanters zealously destroy any notes created during the process to release the mana captured in the drafting stage as a way to seal and finish the spell. The more complete the destruction, the more magical energies are released, strengthening the spells. This destructive climax means that enchanters in training learn how to identify and organize what materials and actions are required, rather than memorizing predetermined rituals. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Ocarina of Time you could find in a medical office.

Five items from Ocarina of Time you could find in a medical office.

Prescription: When Link takes the broken goron’s sword to the Biggoron to be fixed, the giant smith advises our hero that they are unable to work due to suffering from irritated eyes. Thanks to the Biggoron’s hardy constitution, they only need some prescription strength eye drops and not anything more serious like a surgical procedure or a restoration spell.
This is by no means an unreasonable thing to happen to a person in their line of work. History is full of smiths and other craftspeople damaging or entirely losing one or both of their eyes. I remember reading an article that posited that the cyclopean or disabled depictions of various smith gods was a reflection of the toll their work on the body. Early smiths were exposed to toxic chemicals and dangerous conditions without any modern protections, leaving many to suffer serious illness. Many professions in the past left the professional facing serious health concerns due to the conditions of their work.

I never saw myself as one of those people who would loot in the wake of a disaster, but this storm took everything from me. Since the power grid and the cell networks are both unstable, pharmacies are having to go back to pen and paper orders for prescriptions. If I can find some pads, I might be able to sell or trade them to get food for my family.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Ocarina of Time you could find at a birthday party.

Five items from Ocarina of Time you could find at a birthday party.

Cojiro: This blue cucco is not only remarkable due to its odd coloration, it is also extremely quiet, especially since its owner left. Looking at the cucco in context, I assume that it is a visual pun since the cucco is sad, or blue, that its friend is gone.

Look at what the petting zoo people brought to the party.

OMG. What is that thing?

I have no clue. I made a mistake when I checked the “something interesting” box when I couldn’t decide between the farm animals and safari animals.
Weirdest thing is they put up signs on the inside of the cage that say no pecking.

I hope the rest of the party is going better than that thing looks.