Sunday, February 23, 2020

I'm not an artist: Five items from Oracle of Ages you can find on your backpacking trip around the Mediterranean.

Five items from Oracle of Ages you can find on your backpacking trip around the Mediterranean.

Rock Brisket: The Goron guarding the upper section of Rolling Ridge is very hungry but can’t leave their post to grab a bite. Rock brisket is just the thing to sate the hungry Goron. Unfortunately, the only place to get rock brisket in Labrynna is by winning the Target Carts game with a perfect score. Once Link has mastered the game, he can trade the rock brisket to the hungry Goron for a vase passed down the Goron’s family for generations.

Today was my first full day in Europe. I got in last night just in time for dinner, which was amazing. The owners of the farm we are working at this week made a delicious pit-roasted lamb which was to die for. We are going to spend a week working at the farm before visiting a few of the larger tourist trap cities. We don’t have anything planned after that, so we will just go where the wind takes us.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

I'm not an artist: Six items from Oracle of Ages found by archaeologists investigating the lost terran civilization.

Six items from Oracle of Ages found by archaeologists investigating the lost Terran civilization.

Library Key: Link is given the library key by King Zora during the current era after he cures King Zora’s illness with a magical potion in the past era. King Zora is healthy again, but there is a corruption in the seas pushing Lord Jabu-Jabu to the brink of death. Knowing that Link is the sort of person that can get things done, King Zora asks him to go to the Eyeglass Island Library and research if there is any way to cleanse the oceans and save Lord Jabu-Jabu.

This is the last key item I drew as an item that would get you access to a place. I think this one is pretty obvious as library cards are the “key” to services at the library. If you don’t have a library card, go get one. Libraries are wonderful resources. Many offer services that include more than just checking out books and if you don’t know what your library has to offer you are probably missing out.

It is generally understood by xenoarchaeologists studying the ruins of Terra that humans valued knowledge highly, but maintained tight control over who had the privilege to study and learn. Massive collections of written records were kept in even the smallest settlements across many regions of Terra. Even with the ubiquity of these archives, only those who carried the token of privilege were allowed into these prestigious buildings containing the collected knowledge of humanity.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Fan Art: Villainous gear from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

Life stuff got in the way of me getting the normal post on Zelda items finished for today so enjoy some more new She-Ra fan art instead.

Horde Stun Baton: Tried and true close-quarters weapon for Horde soldiers. They make sure to let you know it is non-lethal to keep that PG rating.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

I'm not an artist: Five items from Oracle of Ages that can get one into places they don’t belong.

Five items from Oracle of Ages that can get one into places they don’t belong.

Crown Key: Link needs the Crown Key to enter the Crown Dungeon, the fifth dungeon in the game. Link is given the key by the Goron Elder after he destroys a gigantic boulder with the bomb flower earned from defeating the Great Moblin.

I feel I should explain this drawing. I was imagining the item as the key to being royal. The first thing I thought of was the way Macbeth’s uncle assassinated Macbeth’s father to open up the path to the throne.

Regicide is rarely an easy task, and it becomes immeasurably more difficult when the monarch is paranoid and ever vigilant. One may consider hiring professional assassin’s or trying to contrive an accident, but those plans rely too much on the trustworthiness or luck of others. It is that line of thinking that royals hoping to discreetly remove a monarch from power most often come to the conclusion that poison is the only way.