Monday, January 28, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Ocarina of Time a thief might desire.

Five items from Ocarina of Time a thief might desire.

Adult’s Wallet: Before Link receives the adult’s wallet, he can only carry 99 rupees. That might feel like a lot at the start of the game, but inflation makes that a meager sum quickly. Link obtains this wallet from the inhabitants of the House of Skulltula by returning proof he released ten spirits from the curse.

Lifting wallets and coin purses off rubes with more money than sense is how every pickpocket gets their start. It is difficult to survive off the petty cash one can grab in even the best of times. Having to always be working on the next grab leads pickpockets to look for bigger scores or find themselves in irons, often both.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

I'm not an artist: Six items from Ocarina of Time two outlaws would carry.

Six items from Ocarina of Time two outlaws would carry.

Bomb Bag: Link obtains the bomb bag in Dodongo’s Cavern. With the bag, Link is no longer reliant on bomb flowers to solve puzzles and reveal secrets. This feels like the game begins to trusts you with the explosive mechanic enough to take you off the “see a bomb flower, expect to see a location to be bombed nearby” leash. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

I'm not an artist: Six items from Ocarina of Time you would find at a fantasy customs checkpoint.

Six items from Ocarina of Time you would find at a fantasy customs checkpoint. 

Silver Scale: Link has the innate ability to swim and dive in Ocarina of Time. This is pretty nice since, in other games, he has had to get some magical help to simply swim. The silver scale improves his natural abilities. most importantly allowing access to Jabu-Jabu’s belly

Fig Harbor is known as the gateway to the west in the thousand islands east of the Neck. With piracy being a socially acceptable career east of the neck, most people are surprised to learn of customs agents operating in such seemingly lawless lands. Fig Harbor customs agents all wear a silver scale in a glass bauble. They are only concerned with the intercepting the few truly forbidden cargos such as slaves or souls. 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

I'm not an artist: Six items from Ocarina of Time two alchemists would use.

Six items from Ocarina of Time two alchemists would use.

Kokiri Boots: Link’s first pair of boots. These boots somehow fit child and adult Link equally well.

Before becoming known as the Falling-Star Alchemist, Sonya Li was famous for her kickboxing skills. She never officially competed for a title, but those that watched her spar believed she was the equal of any fighter. She earned the Falling-Star moniker with her thunderous kicks enhanced by impressive alchemy