Sunday, April 26, 2020

I'm not an artist: The final five items from Oracle of Ages found in deadly finales.

The final five items from Oracle of Ages found in deadly finales. 

Sacred Soil: This is the fifth Essence of Time Link gathers. He must defeat the smoke demon Smog in the Crown Dungeon to recover the sacred soil.

Most avoid tombs and barrows for fear of disturbing the slumbering dead. Even the threat of shambling corpses and vengeful spirits was not enough to keep adventurers away from a newly opened barrow rumored to contain an untouched treasure behind an impossibly long entry corridor. Many eager bands of adventurers have entered the non-euclidean tomb and none have ever returned. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I'm not an artist: The penultimate five items from Oracle of Ages you can find long after an apocalyptic disaster.

The penultimate five items from Oracle of Ages you can find long after an apocalyptic disaster.

Ancient Wood: This is the second Essence of Time Link recovers in his adventure. This essence is guarded by a crush-happy floating stone head with four faces in the depths of the Wing Dungeon.

It wasn’t long after the collapse that nature began to reclaim the civilized places. Weeds pushed through cracks opened by wind, rain, and ice. Now those first seeds that sprouted in those first cracks are great old trees grown tall with the passing of time.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Six days of apocalypses: Super science tears a hole in the universe allowing for an alien invasion of Earth.

The trustiest crowbar.

The Crowbar: Gordon Freeman's crowbar gets him into and out of many sticky situations as he tries to escape a disintegrating secret super science facility and then it helps him again as he has to navigate life on an Earth ruled by an extraterrestrial fundamentalist "cooperative."


While life isn't entirely terrible in the Half-Life universe, I would rather not live under the rule of a totalitarian extradimensional alien conqueror collective.

The Combine claims to be excellent to everyone, but we know better. Don't just say you are, really be excellent to everyone.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Six days of apocalypses: Everyone goes crazy in a city on the bottom of the sea.

A trusty wrench that I am sure you can use as a weapon, but I haven't seen used to tighten or loosen anything.

The Wrench: There is more plumbing down in Rapture then you can shake a wrench at, which of course means there are plenty of wrenches to use as improvised weapons. Bioshock's wrench is one of the best "bringing a knife to a gunfight" melee weapons in a first-person shooter. I love it.


During the event of Bioshock and Bioshock 2, Rapture is undergoing a more protracted apocalypse. While it isn't one final event that climactically destroys the city, the Rapture that was is most certainly doomed.

Few people are excellent to everyone down in Rapture. Be better, be excellent to everyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Six days of apocalypses: Nuclear war washes away our civilizations, but the world eventually recovers.

A sword forged from demon blood that holds a wicked edge.

Demon Blood Sword: Finn and Jake's Dad won this sword by outsmarting a demon. A drink of holy water a day apparently keeps the infernal forces at bay.


While the land of Ooo appears to be an idyllic cartoon world, it is actually built upon the bones of a world very similar to our own.

Finn is usually excellent to many people. He isn't perfect though. Make sure you are trying to be excellent to everyone.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Six days of apocalypses: A dystopia ruled by super powered adolescents in evil uniforms.

A wicked sword that is one half of a giant pair of scissors designed to cut even the most robust threads.

Scissor Blade: Ryūko's weapon in her tireless fight against the totalitarian forces ruling Honnōji Academy.


While the setting of Kill La Kill is not technically apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic, it is dystopian enough to make it seem like a total hell to inhabit.

Don't fight with your fellow students, be excellent to everyone.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Six days of apocalypses: A army of demons pours from a hell-mouth beneath Everytown, CA.

A weapon of mass slaying found by the slayer when she needed it most.

The Scythe: This is an axe, a mace, and a spear/stake all rolled into one super convenient package. This was technically made in prehistoric times, but not one thing makes it look at all ancient. 


There is the second day of apocalypse. Stay tuned for more red weapons.

I do not own the intellectual rights for this, so don't profit it off this without the express consent of its owners.

Just because we are celebrating apocalypses doesn't mean you should forget to be excellent to everyone.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Six days of apocalypses: Corporate greed sends us all to hell.

A menacing blade you could find if a mega-corporation successfully opened a gate to Hell in search of profit. 

The Crucible: A terrifying sword made of pure Argent Energy that can kill most denizens of hell in a single swing.


A while ago I drew the Doom Slayer's sword after being inundated with ads for DOOM: Eternal. That led me to draw five more items that were all primarily red and associated with an apocalypse or dystopia.

For the next six days, I will post one of these red apocalypse items daily.

I don't own the intellectual property associated with DOOM, so don't profit off this without the owner's express permission.

I don't think we are currently living through an apocalypse, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A gilded egg to find at the end of a long hunt.

A gilded egg to find at the end of a long hunt.

Have a poor imitation for a Faberge Egg for Easter. 


I’m not religious and don’t keep up with the calendar these days since time has no meaning anymore so I was surprised to find out on Friday that this Sunday was Easter.  Since it’s Easter, my regular Pathfinder game got postponed so I thought I’d doodle something out.

Use this however you see fit as long as you give me credit.

Be excellent to everyone.

I'm not an artist: Five items from Oracles of Ages used in a quest for vengeance.

Five items from Oracles of Ages used in a quest for vengeance.

Broken Sword: The broken sword is the final item Link trades for in the Oracle of Ages trading sequence. An old Zora living in a sea cave along coast of the Sea of No Return is nostalgic about their younger days of being a famous musician. They are willing to give Link this broken sword in exchange for Rafton’s sea ukulele. They mention that they can fix anything, which begs the question, why didn’t they fix the broken blade? To really finish off the trading sequence, Link has to take the broken sword to Patch on the Restoration Wall to have the Biggoron Sword reforged from the shards.

Pure evil had manifested itself in her world as a living blade that spreads its corruption to any it touches. Those in service to the evil blade destroyed everything and everyone she held dear, leaving her with an insatiable thirst for vengeance. No mundane blade could combat the living blade of evil, so she spent decades in the single-minded pursuit of creating a living blade of her own.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

I'm not an artist: Five items from Oracle of Ages you could use at summer camp.

Five items from Oracle of Ages you could use at summer camp.

Funny Joke: Link is given this hilarious joke by the only comedian in Lynna City in exchange for the cheesy mustache. It seems the comedian needs something to make people laugh and he is resorting to prop comedy. In exchange, he says he will teach Link the funniest gag he knows, but how funny can that be since he needs wacky facial hair to liven up his act.

          Hello again from camp,

It has been HOT for the last two weeks. Most days I just split my time between swimming in the lake and snacking on popsicles in the shade. I think the popsicles are from a different country because the jokes are written in a language I can’t read.

Not much else going on lately. Hope you are having a great summer. 

Can’t wait for your next letter.