Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Holiday: Happy belated third anniversary to The Speaking Squid!
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Not a colorist: Five full color items from Oracle of Seasons you may have seen before.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Not an artist: Four items from Oracle of Seasons found in a temple during its restoration.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Celebrating the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere with a little charm.
A preserved Four Leaf clover to start Spring off with a bit of Luck.

Four Leaf Clover: While this lucky charm may not have thousands of years of folk history behind it, many know it as one of the main pillars of the lucky charm cannon. According to Wikipedia, they have about a 1 in 5,000 rate of appearance, which isn’t common by any means, but also isn’t the rarest thing either.
The start of Spring is always an exciting time for me. It marks the beginning of life returning after Winter’s harsh grasp. I’m especially excited for the rains and the general vitality moving water brings into a landscape.
See y’all tomorrow for some items from Oracle of Seasons.
Be excellent to everyone.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Holiday: Chase the snakes away with this crosier for St. Patrick's Day
Crosier of the Pierced Serpent: A staff wielded by a religious zealot in their campaign to push out native religious practices from a foreign land.
In researching St. Patrick’s day I wanted to know the origin of the legend that St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland. As it turns out, Ireland was never known to have any snakes living on the island. Instead, the snakes are allegorical for the Druid’s who practiced their native religious traditions in Ireland before Christianity destroyed Ireland’s native religious and cultural practice.
This is not an uncommon theme in Christian history. The church and its faithful saw all other views as abominable and forced others to convert. Often through violence and destruction ensuring that the practices were as lost to history as possible. This is not a practice I think is positive and I regret only taking the time to learn the history of the festival now.
Like many holidays imported by immigrants to the USA, Americans have reduced it to an excuse to feast and get drunk while perpetuating Irish stereotypes and making everything green, regardless of the possible impact. I always wonder if Chicago dying a river green has negative ecological consequences.
If you are celebrating St. Patrick’s day today, try to be sensitive to the real history of the person and the people under the spotlight.
Spring seems to be arriving where I live which is an extremely exciting prospect. I can’t want to put away my winter boots with confidence, unfortunately, that will probably be some time in May.
I recently got my second dose of the Moderna COVID vaccine. I know a lot of people and places are transitioning “back to normal” but I hope you all realize that only a small fraction of people have been immunized and we all need to keep wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and limiting our contacts to ensure we can get out from under COVID’s thumb. Think about it like we are in the final stretch of a race that we have been fighting to finish, you don’t stop and celebrate because the finish line is in sight, you have to keep pushing and wait until after the race is over to fully celebrate.
We are still all in this together, so be excellent to everyone.