Sunday, January 16, 2022

Four Swords: A cache of gems from Four Swords.

 A cache of gems from Four Swords.

Rupees: While the overall goal of Four Swords is to beat Vaati the Wind Sorcerer, the immediate goal for every Link is to amass as many rupees as possible by the end of each stage. Getting enough rupees is the only way to earn the great fairies’ keys to enter Vaati’s palace. Rupees also act as each Link’s lifeline. When a Link loses their last heart they can be revived if they have enough rupees to pay the incrementally increasing cost to revive. Many boons and banes help or hurt the Links’ chance of getting rupees such as the four hidden rupee shards, bonus rupees for finishing quickly, rupee wraiths, rupoors, and simply dropping rupees when hurt. Simply put, rupees are the lifeblood of adventure in Four Swords.

A room full of gems and jewels of assorted colors is rumored to be hidden within the stone walls of the ruined royal castle. Fortune hunters and thrill-seekers have attacked any crack in the walls with every tool imaginable over the years. The castle ruins are now pock-marked with the tell-tale signs of picks, hammers, and explosives, but the treasure chamber remains undiscovered.


Rupees are required for any adventure, even the everyday adventures of life. The depths of winter can be some of the hardest times for many people and families in America. If you have some extra rupees, consider giving something to a local aid group. If you don’t, I hope you have enough or are getting the help you deserve. Everyone deserves to have enough.

Be excellent to each other.

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