Sunday, February 20, 2022

Cards: Every item from Four Swords collected in one complete set.

Every item from Four Swords collected in one complete set. 

Here they are, every item I drew for The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords. Presented in both vibrant color and in black and white to suit your preference. The links below will take you to PDF’s containing all the items in the order they appeared.

Four Swords are collected in color here

Four Swords are collected in black and white here

If you’d like to get an individual copy of each item from Four Swords, you can find them all to download under the Four Swords tag.

If there is enough interest, I could set up a way to pay $1 to get a zip file with all of the cards from the set. Let me know if that is something you’re interested in.

I like to look back and take stock of my highs, lows, and overall progress at the end of a set.

I really enjoyed how the drawings for the pegasus seed and the pegasus boots turned out. The dragon fruit and seven-league boots look exactly how I wanted them to look which is exciting for me.

I am far less enthused by the other two powerup seeds. The drawings for the armor seeds and razor seeds just didn’t end up looking great. The buddha’s hand citron I attempted for the razor seed has to be this set’s biggest disappointment for me.

Oh well, I am still drawing and still improving and most importantly I am still enjoying the work. That was the whole idea at first. I wanted to pick drawing back up and so I gave myself a project to work through to have some structure to fumble around in. As it stands I’m creeping up on having drawn 1,000 item cards for the Zelda Items project which is pretty exciting.

Which item from the Four Swords set was your favorite?

As is tradition around here, I will be taking next week off from posting Zelda based items and instead be posting items I drew from my home campaign. After that brief pause, we will be back at it with the items from Wind Waker.

Thank you again for stopping by. I hope you found something to inspire you. If you make something with my items, let me know. I’ll link my socials below.

Be excellent to everyone.

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