Sacred books from the Pharaonic Age
Book of the Dead: This locked within the book’s obsidian pages are spells to raise the dead as undead horrors and incantations to bind such creatures to your will. Such powers were deemed beyond the purview of mortals so the book was sealed in a hidden vault. If the vault were ever breached, the thief would need the long lost puzzle key if they wished to wield its dread power.
Book of Amun-Ra: Said to contain all the secret incantations known to the priesthood, this solid gold book was hidden to keep the powerful spells from falling into the wrong hands. One of the most dangerous spells could steal the life from a person and use it to restore life to the dead. Thankfully the book can only be opened with a special key that has been lost to time.

Puzzle Key: The golden and black books of the dead are both sealed with locks that can only be opened with a copy of this puzzle key. The key itself is a hollow box whose interlocking top opens to an eight pointed star. These keys must have been associated with the secrets of the dead they open not just the books, but also the sarcophagi of honored individuals and sealed relics of the god of the dead.
Three items from the absolutely delightful Mummy films starring Brendan Fraiser. I earnestly love them with all my heart and hope you enjoy anything as much as I enjoy them.
Halloweekend is ending tomorrow on Halloween! Check back in tomorrow for one more spooky item befitting the season.
Be excellent to everyone.