Saturday, December 17, 2022

Wind Waker: A jug of seawater

 A jug of seawater.

Bottled Water: Fresh water scooped up into an empty bottle. Link can pour this water out when something needs a quenching. One important use of water in Link’s journey is when he must water withered bomb flowers on Dragon Roost Island to gain entry into the Dragon Roost Caves.

You’ve found it, the jug of endless seawater. Sort of a sick trick since you can’t drink the water and most desalination methods will be hampered by the critters, flotsam, and jetsam that occasionally spurt out. On top of that, the gurgling noise it makes is just plain unsettling.


Based on the real gulping jugs that use the jugs’ odd shape to make them gulp in air intermittently while pouring. I also thought an Ewer of Endless water is a world-breaking artifact that isn’t provocative like a blade that can cut reality or a book that can rewrite fate but could have a significant impact if used properly. What adventures would happen in a desert society centered around a magical carafe that was the only source of water for miles in any direction?

Be excellent to everyone.

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