Sunday, November 12, 2023

Wind Waker: A rare black lotus.

A rare black lotus.

Exotic Flower: Link must trade a sea flower for this exotic flower. The exotic flower can be traded for a pinwheel or a sickle flag depending on which merchant Link offers this flower to. In addition to trading the flowers, Link can place these flowers on joyous pedestals around Windfall Island.

Mana, the energy that fuels magic, is around us always. This rare black-petaled lotus concentrates mana so that anyone can have enough power to conjure a significant spell just by picking a flower. There are no limits on what one can do with this power making these flowers extremely valuable.


I don’t play Magic: The Gathering anymore but I’ve always loved everything fantasy so the serious worldbuilding and art talent that went, and maybe still goes, into creating those cool little cardboard rectangles really sparks my imagination. I generally keep up with what is going on with Magic and maybe someday I’ll go out there and buy another booster or dust off my beat-up card binder. Until then, get inspiration wherever you can.

Be excellent to everyone.

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