Sunday, May 19, 2024

Amphora: Five items from my home game.

Five items from my home game.

Rod of Bouncing: Channeling your spell through this focus allows a spell that would otherwise strike a single target to ricochet between multiple targets.

Helm of Telepathy: This strange metal helmet amplifies its wearer's mental abilities and allows them to communicate psychically with nearby intelligent life. It also protects the wearer from unwelcome psychic intrusions.

Mighty Amulet of Icy Fists: This stone amulet is far heavier than it looks and is always cold. Communing with the amulet allows the wearer to wreath their hands and feet in bitter cold and strike with the strength of an ice giant.

Arctic Bow: This bow belonged to a ranger of the Ice Wastes. The supernatural cold of that wasteland permeated the bow, imparting arrows it fires with the draining chill of its frigid homeland.

Vambraces of the Effreti: These metal bracers were once used to bind an efreet in service. They were given as a gift to the person who freed the proud genie and were imbued with a mote of the efreet’s supernatural command of flame.


Here are five items I drew specifically for my home game. Since they weren’t drawn with a large audience in mind, they could be a bit silly or a bit obvious in their reference to other universes.

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Next week we will start looking at the items from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure.

Be excellent to everyone.

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