Sunday, August 11, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A legendary mallet

A legendary mallet

Magic Hammer: The magic hammer of Four Swords Adventures can smash certain obstacles into the ground, bash enemies, and it can even be used with a mighty swing to daze enemies in a short shockwave. Like the various other pedestal items, the hammer must be picked up from a pedestal in exchange for whatever other pedestal item a Link is holding and can only be used in the stage where the item is found.

Gallagher the Hammer fought in the great vine wars when the forest guardians turned their ire on the foul kingdom that had been despoiling their borders. He earned fame by single-handedly holding back waves of leshy warriors besieging Fort Liberty. Even though the forest’s reclamation ultimately destroyed the kingdom, the tales of Gallagher laying waste with his great maul live on. 


This post was of course inspired by the prop comedy stylings of Gallagher, aka the comedian who smashed watermelons with a big hammer.

Also, no matter how jokey a character might start, you can always find something compelling in a story. A forest successfully reclaiming a kingdom and then veteran spending the rest of their life smashing melons as a rebellious display is a bit reasonable and a bit epic.

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