Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Minish Cap: Mirror, mirror on the wall…

 Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Mirror Shield: If Link can find his way to the Biggoron atop Veil Falls, he can offer up a small shield to the giant and receive the Mirror Shield in return once he has completed a truly valiant deed. The mirror shield blocks all projectiles and reflects back a searing beam of light. Its mirrored surface is also strong enough to deflect melee attacks easily.

A powerful seer displeased their sovereign so greatly that their spirit was cast into a mirror so their gifts might serve whoever sat the throne. After generations serving the bloodline that cursed them, the mirror can now answer questions honestly, while contriving situations that eventually cause the family to suffer dearly. If the seer was so great, could they not have seen this future and avoided it or did they perhaps choose this fate for themselves?


This was supposed to include a sad face and a split happy/sad face, but drawing faces is still far outside of my comfort zone. Even if those faces are simplified masks. I got done enough with this item and moved on.

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