Sunday, December 2, 2018

I'm not an artist: Six items from Ocarina of Time you could find in a pulp hero story.

Six items from Ocarina of Time you could find in a pulp hero story. 

Bomb: Bombs only become available to Link once he obtains the bomb bag. After that, Link can blow open cracked walls, destroy weak stones, and give giant lizards heartburn as he sees fit. 

During the gala celebrating the newly unveiled Park City hazardous waste containment and neutralization center, a clockwork automaton crashes through the glass ceiling bringing the party to a standstill. The machine announces that the infamous Doc Clock has directed their minions to place bundles of dynamite all over the containment facility. If the waste stores at the plant were to be released, it would quickly wash down river and render the entirety of Park City unlivable for a generation. With the facility on the outskirts of town, no one is sure the bomb squad will make it in time.

Bombchu: Mouse like bombs that zig zag forward, exploding after a brief duration or upon impact.

The diabolical villain known only as Doc Clock has deployed and army of Dyno-Mice into the sewers and tunnels beneath Park City. The diversionary bomb threat at the hazardous waste facility up river from Park City has stretched the Park City Police Department too thin to be watching for Doc Clock’s ingenious plan. The Dyno-Mice have gathered beneath the vaults of the three largest banks in Park City. The vaults will be breached by simultaneous explosions that will lead to further confusion in the city. In the ensuing chaos, swarms of Dyno-Mice will empty the vaults and take the ill-gotten goods to a hidden airship. If all goes well, Doc Clock will get enough from this heist to buy an island somewhere and retire from petty villainy forever.

Fairy Boy: Link recovers the boy in the adult timeline and cannot use the bow as a child. Link’s skills with the bow are pushed to their limits as he is required to master horseback archery to hunt Poes and win competitions.

The Lifestring Bow is the signature weapon of the mysterious hero known only as the Warden. The bow is strung with a vine covered in poisonous thorns that sting any besides the Warden when drawn. The warden can draw their equipment and armor out of any living plant by infusing it with the energies of the Green Way, a parallel dimension created from the collective life energy of all things. The Warden appears when the delicate balance of nature in and around Park City is threatened. Only a select inner circle know the secret identity of the Warden. Even fewer know that the mantle has been passed down in secret. In everyday life, the Warden makes sure to always wear a living flower on their person to ensure they can assume the mantle in times of need. 

Every person in Park City can tell you the Warden uses the Lifestring Bow to protect the natural world. Astute students and devoted fans of the Warden can also tell you of the other iconic pieces of equipment the Warden employs. The hero is clad in armor crafted from wood from the world tree and shrouded in a cloak of magical leaves that can change their color at the warden’s wish. Gem tipped arrows kept in a bark quiver allow the Warden to manifest the varied forces of nature. These special arrows can take on properties as needed by the Emerald Warden. Only the Warden and a select few trusted allies know that the Warden can step into the Green Way and then quickly travel vast distances exiting through a strong font of life energy. 

Ice Arrow: While ice arrows are technically optional in Ocarina of Time, it is often useful to freeze enemies in blocks of ice. 

As all the guests at the gala are distracted, one among them disappears around a corner and assumes the identity of the Warden. With no time to lose, the Warden sprints through the containment facility searching out the bombs Doc Clock’s minions had placed. Channeling the chill of the coldest polar winter, the Warden unleashes freezing arrows that incase the bombs in ice. Hopefully this will give the Park City Bomb Squad enough time to arrive and disarm the explosives. Just as the Warden thinks their work for the evening completed, they sense the collective terror of the city’s citizens as three massive explosions rock the financial district. This must be more of Doc Clock’s doing, but what could they possibly be up to?

Fire Arrow: In Ocarina of Time, Link captures a small mote of the sun’s flames to power his flaming arrows. While also not necessary to beat the game, they do expedite solving puzzles and few people pass up the chance to shoot flaming arrows. 

Tracking Doc Clock’s noisy mechanical mice, the Warden finds the last of the mice filling up a winged flying machine with the stolen cash and valuables. The Warden arrives too late to stop the aerocraft from taking flight. There is no imagining what sort of mayhem Doc Clock could contrive if they had those funds. Hoping to stop the possibility of even greater destruction, the Warden channels the raging intensity of an erupting volcano into a single shot. The destructive arrow strikes its mark as the craft reaches the skies above Park City. The force of the explosion shatters the aerocraft’s storage containers, raining cash and other valuables down onto the city. Doc Clock is lost in the riotous bedlam that such a windfall occurs. 

What became of Doc Clock? Can this violent redistribution of wealth have unforeseen consequences? Find out next time in the continued adventures of...THE WARDEN.


Sorry, no links today. I will try to go an do an update with that.

Major influences on this post are: 
-the archer hero trope
-World of Warcraft’s Emerald Dream
-Pulpy super hero plot structure

Thanks for tuning into another episode of The Speaking Squid. Please use everything here personally as you see fit. Do not profit of my work without my consent. 

Be excellent to everyone.

Edit 12/10/18: I added the links to the items.

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