Monday, January 28, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Ocarina of Time a thief might desire.

Five items from Ocarina of Time a thief might desire.

Adult’s Wallet: Before Link receives the adult’s wallet, he can only carry 99 rupees. That might feel like a lot at the start of the game, but inflation makes that a meager sum quickly. Link obtains this wallet from the inhabitants of the House of Skulltula by returning proof he released ten spirits from the curse.

Lifting wallets and coin purses off rubes with more money than sense is how every pickpocket gets their start. It is difficult to survive off the petty cash one can grab in even the best of times. Having to always be working on the next grab leads pickpockets to look for bigger scores or find themselves in irons, often both.

Giant’s Wallet: The giant’s wallet is given to Link in exchange for returning proof that 30 members of the greedy family of House Skulltula have been released from the curse. This wallet increases the rupee max to 500 from the 200 the adult’s wallet allowed. I find it a bit odd that they didn’t set the max to 999, the highest three digit number, but 500 is enough for Link’s needs.

A thief might not be able to survive long on the spoils of a everyday lift, but a person could be comfortable for a while if they manage to steal a cash transfer from a bank or gambling house. Such a heist is almost impossible to pull off alone. A group of unscrupulous specialists would need to work together to rob such a high security target. Especially if they wanted to survive long enough to enjoy their take.

Goron Ruby: One of three keystones required to open the door of time and get the master sword, the Goron Ruby is the sacred treasure of fire guarded by the Gorons. Link must clear Dodongo’s Cavern of evil monsters, thereby safeguarding the Gorons’ food supply, to earn the trust of the Goron Elder responsible for the stone.

According to legend, any who wear the Heart of Judgment are given the strength to carry out lawful punishment against the guilty. No one has been allowed to wear the amulet since it was placed in the deepest vaults beneath the great temple of the Lawbringer, divine judge of all. Only a fool would believe the deep vaults anything but impenetrable, unless one could hide themself in a hollow reproduction of a long lost relic that would surely be secured in that deepest of vaults.

Zora’s Sapphire: Another of the spiritual stones, the Zora Sapphire was given to Princess Ruto by her mother. She was instructed to give the gem to the man that will be her husband. After saving Princess Ruto from inside Jabu-Jabu’s belly, she falls in love with Link and presents the Zora Tribe’s sacred treasure of water to Link as a way to officially recognize their engagement.

The Heart of the Sea was passed down from one Empress to the next. When a quakes opened a rift that swallowed Safia, capital city of the Mer Empire, the Heart of the Sea along with the Empress and much of the ruling class were lost, and without their leadership the citizens of the Mer Empire scattered. If someone could survive the descent, there is a palace full of treasurers just waiting to be rescued from the bottom of the Diaspora Rift.

Kokiri Emerald: The first spiritual stone Link recovers, The Kokiri Emerald is given to Link by the Great Deku Tree after Link purges the parasite from the heart of the tree. The Great Deku Tree dies just after giving Link the stone and also providing Link with a call to adventure. The Kokiri Emerald is not given to Link by its titular people, but rather the guardian spirit of those people.

Three black pearls, the largest the size of a walnut, set in shining gold bands make up the brooch that made Ghoma, Captain of the Trees’ Grave, famous. Claiming that it brought them good luck, the up and coming captain made a name for themself betting exponentially increasing amounts on games of chance. After winning an enough to buy and fortify a small island fortress, Ghoma has sworn off gambling and refuses to part with their infamous good luck charm. Imagine the sorts of trouble the wrong kind of people could stir up if they knew lady luck was always on their side.


Late post today. I had to deal with the crazy weather beating up the American Midwest as well as being a bit under the weather.

Please use my work personally as you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent.

Weather and politics have been making some people's’ lives pretty crazy. With that in mind, make sure you are excellent to everyone.

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