Thursday, November 18, 2021

Skyrim 10th Anniversary: The longest, most Morrowind, fetch quest in Elder Scrolls.

Skyrim 10th Anniversary: The longest, most Morrowind, fetch quest in Elder Scrolls.

Stone of Barenziah: Barenziah, the former queen of Morrowind, was coronated with a lavishly jeweled golden crown. During her reign, the crown was stolen and each of its 24 main jewels were removed. These 24 crown jewels were scattered across Skyrim in places both wild and civilized, guarded and unattended, obvious and hidden. The body of the crown has been smuggled out of Morrowind, and now it will only take someone tracking down each of the 24 missing jewels to recreate a priceless piece of history.

On the eighth day of Skyrim,
tenth anniversary,
frustrating fetch-quest,
sons killing fathers, 
limitless knowledge,
one dragon priest mask,
a Talos icon,
knee seeking arrows,
Golden Dragon Claw,
and a helmet of iron and horn.

One of the most iconic experiences of non-modded Skyrim is missing one or two of these damned stones and needing to hunt through all 24 locations to see which one you missed as they, rightfully, do not have waypoints. Waypoints would ruin the experience on this sort of quest, which really reminded me of the days of exploring through Morrowind with no guide but a journal that only organized information as well as you could remember what page the information was written on.

I hoped you enjoyed my tour of iconic Skyrim items. I post item drawings every Sunday. I am currently working through drawing a card for every item in every game in the Zelda franchise. If you liked what you saw during Skyrim week, come back on Sunday to see what else I’ve drawn up.

Be excellent to everyone.

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