Sunday, May 26, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five items from Majora’s Mask that were found on a ghost ship.

Five items from Majora’s Mask that were found on a ghost ship. 

Big Bomb Bag: Link must buy the first upgrade to the bomb bag in Majora’s Mask, but he can secure a discount if he stops the mugging of an Old Lady. Apparently, the goodwill earned by saving the woman from being robbed is only worth ten rupees. 

The basic construction of my form in this drawing is off and it drives me crazy but there is no sense in going back and fixing it. I completed this drawing and have to move on.

When the Wayward Soul was spotted by fishing boats returning to Ennsmouth through the evening fog, it was assumed that the ever-changing shoals surrounding the black reef caught another ship because a captain was too cheap to hire a local guide. Its crew was seen about the deck and as night fell, the last of the returning fisherpeople reported seeing the ship's lights shining dimly through the evening fog. The rescue tug that went out to the ship the next day found it abandoned and missing its crew and longboats, but appearing in every other way to be fully stocked, all the way down to the sailor’s footlockers filled with the collected debris of lives lived at sea.

Biggest Bomb Bag: The Business Scrub offers to sell Link the second and final upgrade to the bomb bag to Link for 200 rupees and the Big Bomb Bag. That means the Biggest Bomb Bag is worth about twenty times the safety and well being of an Old Lady. Since the Big Bomb Bag is part of the offer, Link has to get that before he can obtain the Biggest Bomb Bag.

The Wayward Soul was towed into Ennsmouth Harbor and thoroughly searched for any sign of a plague or curse that could have caused the ship to be so completely abandoned. The ship’s log indicated it was sailing for Queensport along a winding course out of Norburg in the far south. At many points along the ship’s journey, the log recorded efforts to fill large watertight crates with diatomaceous mud and sand from particular reefs specifically identified by the anonymous individual who chartered the voyage.

Powder Keg: These large, single-use, mage bombs can only be used by Link after he has proven that he can use them responsibly. Goron Link must pass what equates to a driving test, but with a powder keg, before Link is able to purchase and carry one of these explosives at a time. The powder kegs are much more powerful than Link’s standard bombs and can be used to overcome important obstacles too large for a single bomb.

Searching each deck of the ship individually, the investigators found alarmingly little out of place. Piracy was ruled out as the ship’s magazine was untouched, including a few small casks of black powder from the secretive workshops of the Blacksands Isles. Only the hold offered any evidence that something had happened. The strange cargo of the ship, including exotic statuary and jewelry wrought from a strange gold-like metal, had been carelessly strewn about as if someone had been desperately searching for something. One of the investigators accidentally broke open a barrel that contained a swarm of spider-like creatures that quickly drained them of all vital essence, leaving only a desiccated corpse where moments before a person stood. It will take days to compare the ship’s manifest to the disorganized contents of the hold, but that is the only way to determine what, if anything, was taken from the ship along with its crew.


If nothing is more fun than a barrel of monkeys, a strange metric by itself, we could say nothing is less fun than a barrel of vampiric spiders. 

No links this week as I am on vacation for Memorial Day here in the U.S.A. I wouldn’t expect links in next week’s post as I am also taking a vacation next weekend. I know it sounds indulgent but this is probably going to be the last real relaxing trip I get to take for a while. 

I was hoping to channel Lovecraft and the Mary Celeste in this one. I hope the little introduction I crafted was intriguing.

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent.

Thank you for stopping by, and remember to go out into the world and be excellent to everyone.

Edit: Minor corrections to typos and added links.

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