Sunday, June 9, 2019

I'm not an artist: Six items from Majora’s Mask you can find in an archery competition.

Six items from Majora’s Mask you can find in an international archery competition.

Quiver: Our hero has to have a bow, and a bow uses arrows, and arrows have to go somewhere, so our hero has a quiver. The hero’s literally named bow comes with its own quiver that can hold thirty arrows.

A boastful and inebriated monarch claimed that, in their service, was the finest archer in all the lands. They were so confident in their archer’s abilities that they placed an apple on top of their head and ordered the archer shoot it through. With much hesitation, the archer knocked an arrow fletched with raven feather and shot the apple dead one. Without realizing it, they had also just birthed the annual Blackfeather Archery Competition.

Large Quiver: If Link can score well in the East Clock Town Shooting gallery, he can earn the first upgrade to his quiver. 

While the marquee event of the Blackfeather competition is still shooting an apple off the head the reigning monarch, a statue has replaced the real flesh and blood monarch. As the festival grew in popularity, new preliminary events had to be added to weed out less skilled archers. The first of these events is a simple target shooting competition where any who hit the bull’s eye automatically move forward.

Largest Quiver: If Link can put his legendary archery skills on display by scoring a perfect score in the Swamp Shooting Gallery, he can earn the second and final upgrade to the quiver. 

As word of the Blackfeather Competition spread throughout the world, different styles of archery began to appear in competition. With these new styles, came new competitions which spread the novel approaches to the far corners of the world. The horse nomads of the open steppe brought with them their mounted archery and their impossibly difficult competition of shooting a swinging target from a moving horse.


Thanks for bearing with the more bare-bones posts for the past few weeks. 

It would be interesting to do a game with a party entirely comprised of archer characters. An international archery competition is a great way to start such a campaign. The characters could even return after some adventures with improved skills.

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

Go out there and be excellent to everyone.

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