Sunday, April 28, 2019

I'm not an artist: The first six items from Majora’s Mask you could find in the Great Spell War.

The first six items from Majora’s Mask you could find in the Great Spell War.

Ocarina of Time: Link is given the Ocarina of Time by Zelda as he is leaving Hyrule in the prologue of Majora’s Mask. She also teaches him the Song of Time, warning him to play it in times of need. Link's ability to travel in time by playing the Song of Time is the only thing that allows the entire story of Majora’s Mask to take place. Without it, Skullkid would have succeeded in their apocalyptic plan of pulling the moon down from the sky. For continuity purposes, Majora's Mask takes place in the child Link timeline after he is successful in defeating Ganondorf.

Legends tell of a vast store of ancient arcano-technology held in a hidden vault behind a sealed gate that can only be opened after the fabled Horn of Doom is blown. A thousand years of peace were shattered when foolish adventurers sounded the ancient horn without knowing it would warn all the world that the vault would soon open. After the warning, the great powers of the world quickly mobilized their vast forces to ensure they would be the first to find and secure the vault.

Hero’s Bow: The bow is the main item in the first of the game’s dungeons. Most of the dynamic gameplay concerning the bow comes from the interesting ammunition it uses later in the game.

The uncontested popularity of the Ouroboros Industries bolt action rifle was particularly surprising in that the complete designs were never stolen and sold to Marrow Arms, their chief competitor. Unable to produce a similar weapon to compete in that section of the market, Marrow Arms instead chose to capitalize on the instantly recognizable silhouette and manufacture a vertical crossbow that looked suspiciously like the Ouroboros rifle. During the Great Spell War, the majority of enlisted archers learned their craft on these mass produced weapons. The troops lucky enough to make it home returned with a genuine affection for these crossbows, ensuring they quickly became popular in the civilian markets.

The DT-650 bolt action cartridge rifle with attached bayonet manufactured by Ouroboros Industries technically allows for any person to use firearms. The rifle, in conjunction with a potent and highly addictive tonic, allows even a person without a gunslinger’s spark to effectively operate a black-powder weapon while under the effects of the potion. The rifle and potions are prohibitively expensive so only the finest sharpshooters ever had a chance to use them. Those same sharpshooters were left to suffer through terrible lifelong withdrawals when the great powers saw no reason to continue paying for tonic after the war ended.

Fire Arrow: Link earns the fire arrows after defeating Wizzrobe in the game’s ice dungeon. With flaming projectiles in hand, Link can now melt ice blocking his path, light hard to reach torches, and immolate vulnerable enemies.

Once ignited, hellfire arrows burn with a dull orange flame that spreads quickly and burns hot enough to melt steel to slag and soil into glass. These destructive arrows were used in only the direst of circumstances as the widespread devastation they cause is nearly impossible to control. Even with the years of healing since the close of the war, many former battlefields remain charred wastelands dotted with the blackened bones of the fallen encased in shells of molten armor. These places are haunted by woeful spirits of those who died in the harrowing inferno.

Ice Arrow: Located in the water-themed dungeon, the ice arrows allow Link to open paths once blocked by water and shackle enemies in blocks of ice.

During the Great Spell War, many smaller nations hoped to stay as far removed from the conflict of the Great Powers as possible. One such country, located along inhospitable mountains that separate two of the belligerent parties, was adamant about maintaining its absolute neutrality during the conflict. The only reason such a small country was able to assert its autonomy was the valiant defense raised by a group of guerilla fighters led by a woman known only as Cold Death. They were infamous for raining down enchanted crystal arrows whose strike could freeze the blood in a person’s veins or ensure a path was too slick to traverse. 

Light Arrow: The silver bullet of the Zelda franchise, the powerful light arrows hit much harder than any other arrows and are able to damage most of Link’s enemies. If Link is able to slay a monster in Majora's Mask with a light arrow, fifty rupees should drop from the slain creature.

As the time of the vault’s opening grew nearer, smaller caches of ancient arcano-tech emerged throughout the world. In one such cache, an ancient facility was discovered with machines that could rapidly fabricate simple objects out of the wondrous materials of the ancients. Inevitably, this machine was used to create weapons that were stronger, sharper, lighter, and more durable than any crafted from mundane materials. The armistice that ended the war between the Great Powers included the total destruction of the facility, but conspiracy theorists believe the machines were removed before the facility’s destruction, though differing theories cannot agree as to the current owner of the machines.


Borderlands is clearly a major influence for this post. A vault full of wonderful stuff and power opening slowly is a pretty good large arch for the backdrop of an adventure. I wouldn't hesitate to steal it almost whole cloth.

For those of you who are of the “keep guns out of my fantasy”, this post is probably going to be a skip for you. I have chosen to include guns in my campaign setting, and I think my game and homebrew are better for the inclusion. Really I am all about adding sci-fi elements to my fantasy universe

Please use my work personally as you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent.

Thanks for stopping by, get out there and be excellent to everyone.

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