Sunday, July 14, 2019

I'm not an artist: Five masks from Majora’s Mask used in a play for children.

Five masks from Majora’s Mask used in stories for children.

Don Gero’s Mask: Link earns this mask by lighting all the torches in the Goron Shrine. A Goron will thank Link for the help illuminating the shrine by giving him a mask that allows Link to speak with frogs. While not a universally useful mask, Link needs this mask to tell frogs that the long winter is over, and the choir is reconvening. If Link can get the whole band back together, he is rewarded with a Piece of Heart.

The many adventures of Hoppy the friendly toad are moral tales written to teach children lessons like always look both ways before crossing the road and never pick up the unholy idol you found in a secret chamber in the basement. Hoppy always know the right thing to do, but they are very easily influenced and are pushed to take the ill-advised action by their peers. In “Hoppy Finds the Pirate Treasure”, Hoppy and friends bumble their way through a heavily trapped pirate cave in search of the recently lost treasure of Diamond Beard.

Scent Mask: Once Link has gotten life back to normal in the Deku Palace, the Butler will challenge him to a race. If Link can keep up, the Butler will reward him with this mask that greatly increases Links ability to smell and also changes his voice to that of a pig. The super-human ability to small allows Link to find mushrooms that can be made into magic potions.

Oinko the piglet is Hoppy’s closest friend and adventuring partner. In this tale, Oinko hears that the dread pirate Diamond Beard has died, and their treasure is waiting for some quick and clever adventurers to venture through the booby-trapped sea cave and claim it for their own. Oinko does not think to question how the two mustached men know about Diamond Beard’s sudden death or the location of the supposedly hidden cave, they only worry about whether or not they and Hoppy can get to the treasure first.

Goron Mask: The ghost of a great Goron hero lingers invisibly among the people in their old village. Using the Lens of Truth Link can speak with the hero. They ask Link to follow to their grave and do something to heal their spirit. By playing the Song of Healing, Link places the spirit in a mask that allows him to take the form of a Goron when donning the mask. This gives Link incredible strength, a rolling spin attack, and theoretically the ability to enjoy eating rocks.

It turns out Diamond Beard is less dead and more alive and considering retirement after seizing a heavily loaded treasure galleon that had been sailing back to the Satrapy of the Lion. Diamond Beard has had a long and successful career of piracy but hasn’t felt the same fulfillment in the work that brought them to piracy all those years ago. Diamond Beard plans to scuttle their ship The Crystal Corsair and give an even share of all of the amassed treasure to each member of the crew as a retirement gift.

Troupe Leader’s Mask: If Link can get into the Milk Bar, he has the chance to play in his first gig in Termina. Playing well in that gig will impress the leader of the traveling performers so much he will give Link a mask in his own image. The troupe leader’s mask, or circus leader’s mask in earlier releases, changes how people related to the troupe leader treat Link, effectively making him part of the family. 

The two highest-ranking officers on The Crystal Corsair are a pair of twins so similar that the only way anyone can tell them apart is the large fake mustaches Captain Diamond Beard forces them to wear. As the highest officers of the crew, Diamond Bear told them of the plan to scuttle the ship and evenly split the treasure amongst the entire crew all the way down to the last swab and page. Unwilling to share evenly with anyone but each other, the twins murdered Diamond Beard and stole the map to his secret vault. Unwilling to risk their own lives, the Twins searched for dupes they could convince to break into Diamond Beard’s vault which is how they found Hoppy and Oinko. They expected Hoppy and Oinko to be useful in clearing a few traps, but they never expected Hoppy and Oinko to make it all the way to the vault and then set off the final trap to collapse the entire complex into a bottomless pit. The Twins never made it out of the collapse, but Hoppy and Oinko escaped through the crumbling tunnels. Pockets stuffed with gold and gems worth enough to ensure they could live like kings.


I recently watched The Goonies on a plane ride coming back from my vacation, so you are getting stories very directly inspired by them that never say die. 

Check out the animated version of the frog mask below.

Thank you for putting up with my vacation, school has been hectic, and I needed some time to just not have responsibilities. 

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but please do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

Be excellent to everyone.

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