Sunday, September 6, 2020

Not an artist: Five rings that can be used once.

Five rings that can be used once.

A drop of water blessed by the monks at the abbey of the still reflection held in a glass reliquary. Generally, the ring is worn as a focus for prayer and meditation. In dire circumstances, the reliquary can be broken and the drop of holy water can be used to quickly bless wide areas.

This blue glass prism is an odd choice as the statement of a ring, but not everyone can afford rare gems. A message inscribed inside the band reads, “Do not despair, for there is always hope.” While the fact that this is glass and not a gemstone may keep this ring from richer hands, those that see past the humble nature of the ring may find a boon in dire times.

The story of the Kraken’s Pearl, a simple bronze ring topped with a pearl the color of night, is well known among those who sail outside of the view of land. Upon donning the ring, the wearer is offered their heart’s desire for the simple price of one hundred years servitude, to be completed after twenty-five years of happily enjoying one’s wish. Those in search of the ring know it can only be taken from the dead hand of its last wearer. 

These single-use scrying orbs, known as spy drops, are all the rage among the members of the noble courts. The merciless competition for royal favor boils beneath a thin veneer of civility and propriety of good manners. With these spy drops, nobles can quickly divine what their rivals are up to and when is the best time to make their move.

Even the most gifted diviners sometimes find that they need assistance in parsing what the future holds. To empower their prophetic skills, some oracles have learned to drain the energies from powerful foci, giving them true moments of clarity but leaving the objects powerless. A ring pulled from the well of whispers after three and thirty years would be a potent source of such power.


A lot of these rings are just the black version of rings that were used to represent rings from the Oracles games. I wish that I had been in the mood to go and color more of the head options when I first made this modular ring set. 

I recently finished drawing the items from Four Swords, and for each of those items, I made at least one color version. It was a really fun experience to add color to my work, and I think I may end up coloring more of my drawings in the future. My current problem with coloring is that it is a new skill I am developing, and as such, it takes me a very long time to color things. Speed will come in time. Right now, I am happy just bumbling through being an okay line artist and an extremely amateur colorist.

Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent.

I’ve got a little more free time than usual, so I am pre-writing these posts. Since I’m writing this weeks before it posts, I have no idea what sort of current events are happening in the world that I would like to comment on. 

Always, be excellent to everyone.

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