Sunday, September 5, 2021

Four Swords: An irresistible glove from Four Swords.

 An irresistible glove from Four Swords.

Magnetic Glove: Link all tools in Four Swords, the magnetic glove is found on item pedestals found throughout the game’s procedurally generated stages. Using the glove, a Link can push or pull other Links. You can use this power to help your allies dodge enemy attacks, cross otherwise impassible gaps, or just make sure they can’t pick up the rupees you’ve got your eye on. The Link carrying the glove can also push or pull themself against magnetic blocks that can be found in the levels where the magnetic gloves appear.

This odd looking glove is what gave Samar the Iron Hand their fearsome name. Even before they replaced their missing hand with this magnetic prosthesis, they were fond of disarming their opponents and hoarding the hard won trophies. After contracting a fatal wasting sickness, the pirate secreted away to their hidden cache where they could ensure no one else might enjoy all the gold, silver, and steel they collected, nor the powerful iron hand that made it all possible.


My life is still in a fairly large tumult. I’m currently moving and dealing with the school year starting during a pandemic for the second time. I’m a bit spread thin these days, but I really enjoy taking the time to write out my ideas for these item cards. I’m also still working through all the cards in the Wind Waker game, but progress on that has been slow going.

In America, we are still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. If you can get vaccinated and haven’t yet, I beg you to go get your vaccine to help keep yourself and everyone else safe and to hopefully put this pandemic in the rearview of our lives.

I also wanted to mention that the news is full of record breaking weather events. These are the result of human caused climate change and if you think anything else you have not listened to what the experts on the matter have been screaming for years. A UN report concluded that it was we humans who are responsible for making the only planet we have any hope of inhabiting for generations much harder to inhabit. I need to do better to make my climate footprint smaller, so does everyone else, but really we need systemic action from the top down to say that addressing and possibly reversing climate change is a priority that we are willing to put time and money into.

There is also a bunch of new in the US under the general topic of voting and health care access being shrunk while access to weapons and the ability to act negligently without much recourse increases. That sucks. I hope that one day America can figure out that gun ownership is a lot less important than free and open access to healthcare, food, housing, and education.

Thanks for stopping by this week. I hope to see you next week with another item from Four Swords.

Until then, be excellent to everyone.

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