Sunday, February 2, 2020

I'm not an artist: Five items from Oracle of Ages that can get one into places they don’t belong.

Five items from Oracle of Ages that can get one into places they don’t belong.

Crown Key: Link needs the Crown Key to enter the Crown Dungeon, the fifth dungeon in the game. Link is given the key by the Goron Elder after he destroys a gigantic boulder with the bomb flower earned from defeating the Great Moblin.

I feel I should explain this drawing. I was imagining the item as the key to being royal. The first thing I thought of was the way Macbeth’s uncle assassinated Macbeth’s father to open up the path to the throne.

Regicide is rarely an easy task, and it becomes immeasurably more difficult when the monarch is paranoid and ever vigilant. One may consider hiring professional assassin’s or trying to contrive an accident, but those plans rely too much on the trustworthiness or luck of others. It is that line of thinking that royals hoping to discreetly remove a monarch from power most often come to the conclusion that poison is the only way.

Mermaid Key: One of two keys required to fully complete the Mermaid’s Cave, the sixth dungeon and only dungeon that is split between the past and current ages. This key opens the Mermaid’s Cave in the current age. To obtain this key Link must go through a rather involved side-quest that involves target practice, lava juice, dance contests, and letters of introduction.

I think this drawing is a bit more obvious. The “key” to the realm of the mermaids would, of course, be the ability to breathe underwater, hence the scuba tank.

If one was meant to live beneath the waves they would have gills. Just because we weren’t meant to be creatures of the sea doesn’t mean we can’t. The endless air canister contains a small stable portal into a plane of air that is able to provide limitless breathable oxygen. A small number of users reported concerns that they may have someone inhaled a living creature from another plane, but such reports have not been confirmed.

Old Mermaid Key: The other key needed to fully clear the Mermaid’s Cave opens the cave in the past era. Much like the key to the current era cave, Link has to jump through a litany of hoops to get this key. Link’s journey towards the Old Mermaid Key begins with earing the brother’s emblem and becoming an honorary Goron. He then works his way through shooting mini-games, delivering dinner and drinks, bombing minigames, and dealing in antiques.

This is another less clear drawing. I conceived of an old mermaid as mermaids of myth and legend. While I know sirens aren’t mermaids, the only thing that kept Odysseus from the sirens was strong rope so the key he could have used to get to the sirens would have been weak fraying rope. It’s a stretch I know.

The merfolk living near sea routes frequented by merchants, smugglers, and pirates have become increasingly hostile as of late after a hold full of poisons and toxins was released into the waters after a smuggling ship dumped its cargo to flee a pursuing vessel. Under the veil of the fog that regularly blankets the shipping lanes in autumn, merfolk cutthroats have been sneaking onto ships and weakening the ropes that control the sails and the rudder. In the moments they are needed most, these ropes snap, sending ships careening out of control into the many dangers of the sea.


Please use my work personally however you see fit, but do not profit off my efforts without my consent. 

January 31st, 2020 was a day that will probably go down in infamy. I can’t say that either of the big stories make me feel happy or hopeful.

With all this upheaval in the world, remember to be excellent to everyone.

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