Sunday, June 20, 2021

Not an artist: The final three items from Oracle of seasons that are sure to give you a boost.

 The final three items from Oracle of Seasons that are sure to give you a boost. 

Blowing Wind: The winds of change carry us into the future. The sixth essence of nature is in the depths of the Ancient Ruins guarded by what I always thought was a carnivorous cactus creature.

This set of bellows can push a blast of air strong enough to make any furnace burn hot, but it also convinces the user that they should be recognized as the greatest of their trade. This curse has caused apprentices to turn on their masters, siblings to murder each other in cold blood, and other unspeakable acts of jealousy. It is unknown where the curse originated, but no one has yet connected the bellows and the curse, allowing them to pass through many hands.

Seed of life: Life and potential compressed down into a small seed, waiting to start the cycle of life anew. This penultimate essence of nature is guarded by a multi-headed dragon that Link must defeat to return from the Explorer’s Crypt with essence in hand.

These cherries smell sweet and sugary and taste like they were grown in the most idyllic orchards. Eating one of these cherries can revitalize anyone from any natural ill. Eating both of these cherries can cure even magical maladies.

Changing Seasons: Below the ground, in the strange land of Subrosia there is a dangerous dungeon known as the Sword and Shield Maze. Inside, a giant, floating, snake-haired, fire-fire spitting head guards the chamber containing the eighth and final essence of nature. There is a time for all things, and with this essence Link knows that cold winter is just as vital as the coming spring to the cycle of life. With all eight essences of nature in hand Link can return to the Great Maku Tree so that it may craft a spell powerful enough to pierce the wards placed about General Onox’s tower.

Some confluences of ley lines and other conduits of magical energy are marked with grand temples, impossible physical landscapes, or literal fonts of energy. Others are less ostentatious, such as this stump which acts as a force multiplier for any nature magic cast atop it. With the right artifact, even someone with no magical talent could work atop such a powerful locus of energy.


That is it, that's all the items in Oracle of Seasons. That also means we have covered all the items in the Oracles games, which happen to be my favorite handheld Zelda games, and some of my favorite games I’ve ever played. It might be nostalgia, but I think they are pretty amazing games.

Next week I will post the collected item cards from Oracle of Seasons.

In the meantime, be excellent to everyone.

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