Sunday, June 30, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Tools of the fire dancer

Tools of the Fire Dancer

Fire Rod: Another pedestal item from Four Swords Adventures, this rod allows a Link to shoot flames. They can throw a ball of flame or make a continuous gout of flame. These flames can be used to light braziers, damage enemies, and solve puzzles. Like most, maybe all, pedestal items in Four Swords Adventure, the fire rod can be upgraded to level 2 by presenting it to a Great Fairy.

Flame dancers wow audiences with their daring performances of skill and endurance. These blazing staves and batons magically burn forever. Where most everflames burn cold these burn hotter than most flames to ensure the dancer’s feats are not diminished.


Tomorrow is the first day of my month-long art challenge Drewly. It is a challenge where all you have to do is post art you’ve already made. No need to make new art, just rest on your laurels and use this is an excuse to share your work with the world.

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Be excellent to everyone.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Holiday: A proud sword

 A proud sword.

Pride Sword: A rainbow sword to celebrate Pride. 

Pride for this cis guy is about remembering to stand up for the rights and privileges of others that I often take for granted.

Happy Pride Y’all!

Be excellent to everyone.

Friday, June 28, 2024

What is Drewly?

 What is Drewly?

Drewly is a month-long art challenge for July that only asks you to celebrate work you have already done.

There are three rules:

1. Only post art you have already made.

2.  Post as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

3. Tag your posts with #drewly and #drewly2024

Be excellent to everyone.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

1000th Zelda item celebration!

 That’s 1000 item cards based on items from Zelda games!

Look on my Works,..., and despair!


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Be excellent to everyone.


Four Swords Adventures: A magical multishot bow.

 A magical multishot bow.

Bow: Like most items in the Four Swords games, the bow is a pedestal item that can only be used in the stage a Link picks it up. Link can use the bow to attack enemies from a safe distance or solve specific puzzles.

In lands where magical talent is as common as the breath in your chest, most learn to weave into their chosen trade. This bow was crafted for an arcane archer known for diving into the fray and fighting their way out. When charged with power the bow fires a wide volley of arrows, hopefully cutting a swathe of safety to retreat through.


Drawing interesting but reasonable bows is quite tricky. All the fantasy game bows I looked at for reference are wildly over the top, I’m looking at you Blizzard. I tried to toe the line between a reasonable bow and an interesting bow. 

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Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Throwing axes with bloody pasts.

 Throwing axes with bloody pasts.

Boomerang: Like other pedestal items, the boomerang can be used by any Link that picks one up, but only until they pick up a new item or finish the stage. Boomerangs can be used to pick up far-away objects and stun enemies, and in Four Swords Adventures Link can cause the boomerang to hover in midair before calling it back.

The tomahawk belonged to a freedom fighter who waged a guerilla war against an oppressive colonial empire. The hatchet belonged to a crime lord whose blood reign of terror was ended with their own axe. Together they represent some of the finest examples of tools becoming weapons in the hands of the powerless and are a highlight of the Collector's most recent acquisition.


The connection might be a bit weak here. Boomerangs and throwing axes are both thrown weapons. That’s it.

My first exposure to the concept of the Axe Gang was through Kung Fu Hustle. If you haven’t watched it, you should.

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Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Explosive coins for the discrete sapper.

 Explosive coins for the discrete sapper.

Bombos Medallion: Activating the medallion causes a fiery rain to fall and kill all enemies on screen. Such a power could easily be abused, so Links can only use the medallions in specific locations where hordes of enemies are attacking the Links.

A vengeful enchanter from a city of thieves made the first incarnation of these explosive coins to punish pickpockets and cutpurses. The coins appear to be regular 5 bits until flipped when they become explosive and will detonate in a few short moments. These coins are now used by spies, revolutionaries, and anyone else who wants to discreetly carry high explosives.


Many of the posts from this set will be multiple versions of the same base item since the theme was dual, or duel in some cases.

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Be excellent to everyone.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Improvised Explosive Flasks

Improvised Explosive Flasks 

Bomb: Much like the original Four Swords, many items in Four Swords Adventure are found on pedestals throughout the level. Any Link may only have one pedestal item at a time but has unlimited use of their item while they hold it. Bombs can be found on pedestals and can be used to destroy cracked walls and harm enemies. Bombs can even be upgraded in power if a Link can throw a bomb into a fountain of a Great Fairy.

For the chemist in the lab, whipping up a quick improvised bomb is child’s play. As is preparing an acid flask strong enough to melt flesh from bone. Now that the end times have come, the only way you are going to make it to post-apocalyptic is by getting on the good side of those who can make tools for self-defense.


Erlenmeyer flasks with various fluids. The labels have meaning but can be ignored for whatever flavor you need. 

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Be excellent to everyone.