Sunday, June 2, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Improvised Explosive Flasks

Improvised Explosive Flasks 

Bomb: Much like the original Four Swords, many items in Four Swords Adventure are found on pedestals throughout the level. Any Link may only have one pedestal item at a time but has unlimited use of their item while they hold it. Bombs can be found on pedestals and can be used to destroy cracked walls and harm enemies. Bombs can even be upgraded in power if a Link can throw a bomb into a fountain of a Great Fairy.

For the chemist in the lab, whipping up a quick improvised bomb is child’s play. As is preparing an acid flask strong enough to melt flesh from bone. Now that the end times have come, the only way you are going to make it to post-apocalyptic is by getting on the good side of those who can make tools for self-defense.


Erlenmeyer flasks with various fluids. The labels have meaning but can be ignored for whatever flavor you need. 

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