Sunday, June 30, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Tools of the fire dancer

Tools of the Fire Dancer

Fire Rod: Another pedestal item from Four Swords Adventures, this rod allows a Link to shoot flames. They can throw a ball of flame or make a continuous gout of flame. These flames can be used to light braziers, damage enemies, and solve puzzles. Like most, maybe all, pedestal items in Four Swords Adventure, the fire rod can be upgraded to level 2 by presenting it to a Great Fairy.

Flame dancers wow audiences with their daring performances of skill and endurance. These blazing staves and batons magically burn forever. Where most everflames burn cold these burn hotter than most flames to ensure the dancer’s feats are not diminished.


Tomorrow is the first day of my month-long art challenge Drewly. It is a challenge where all you have to do is post art you’ve already made. No need to make new art, just rest on your laurels and use this is an excuse to share your work with the world.

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Be excellent to everyone.

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