Sunday, June 23, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A magical multishot bow.

 A magical multishot bow.

Bow: Like most items in the Four Swords games, the bow is a pedestal item that can only be used in the stage a Link picks it up. Link can use the bow to attack enemies from a safe distance or solve specific puzzles.

In lands where magical talent is as common as the breath in your chest, most learn to weave into their chosen trade. This bow was crafted for an arcane archer known for diving into the fray and fighting their way out. When charged with power the bow fires a wide volley of arrows, hopefully cutting a swathe of safety to retreat through.


Drawing interesting but reasonable bows is quite tricky. All the fantasy game bows I looked at for reference are wildly over the top, I’m looking at you Blizzard. I tried to toe the line between a reasonable bow and an interesting bow. 

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