Sunday, June 9, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Explosive coins for the discrete sapper.

 Explosive coins for the discrete sapper.

Bombos Medallion: Activating the medallion causes a fiery rain to fall and kill all enemies on screen. Such a power could easily be abused, so Links can only use the medallions in specific locations where hordes of enemies are attacking the Links.

A vengeful enchanter from a city of thieves made the first incarnation of these explosive coins to punish pickpockets and cutpurses. The coins appear to be regular 5 bits until flipped when they become explosive and will detonate in a few short moments. These coins are now used by spies, revolutionaries, and anyone else who wants to discreetly carry high explosives.


Many of the posts from this set will be multiple versions of the same base item since the theme was dual, or duel in some cases.

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