Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Drewly: Verdant Spheres of House Sunstrider

 Verdant Spheres of House Sunstrider

Verdant Spheres: These three moon crystal shards were once a shield to defend the lands and lives of the elves. When that shield failed, the crystals were taken up and used as a devastating weapon against the enemies of the elves and any who got in between the elves and their bloody vengeance.

Drewly 23rd brings us the orbs that belonged to Kael’Thas Sunstrider, vengeance vengeance-obsessed blood elf from World of Warcraft. This whole week is items from the Warcraft universe that struck my fancy for one reason or another.

What is Drewly?

Drewly is a month-long art challenge for July where you post art you have already made. No new art just for Drewly.

There are three rules:
-Only post art you have already made.
-Post as much or as little as you are comfortable with.
-Tag your posts with #drewly and #drewly2024

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating:
Make a one-time donation with Ko-Fi:  https://ko-fi.com/theeasyspeaker
Become a sustaining supporter on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ItemCardswithTheSpeakingSquid 

Thank you for your support.

Be excellent to everyone.

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