Sunday, July 7, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Staff of the dragon herald

 Staff of the dragon herald

Force Fairy: These fairies revive fallen Links that drop below zero hearts as long as the team has any remaining fairies. During their adventures, Link earns force fairies for gathering large sums of force gems. These fairies are rewarded when Link’s stats are calculated at the end of each stage. There are bonus force fairies hidden throughout certain stages and areas, allowing Link to earn extra lives through exploration.

Draconic staves are given to heralds of great wyrms. The more ornate and detailed, the higher age and station the dragon sovereign claims to possess. While it is not unheard of for dragons to willfully misrepresent their station in negotiations, dragons who have been caught overinflating their age or holdings are viciously mocked and harshly ostracized by their peers.


Today’s drewly post is also just a regularly scheduled Sunday item drop. This serpent staff is my take on the Tevinter’s stave from Dragon Age: Inquisition. I also remixed it with a caduceus if you need a messenger or doctor staff.

Witcher items continue tomorrow with more Drewly.

What is Drewly?

Drewly is a month-long art challenge for July where you post art you have already made. No new art just for Drewly.

There are three rules:
Only post art you have already made.
Post as much or as little as you are comfortable with.
Tag your posts with #drewly and #drewly2024

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Thank you for your support.

Be excellent to everyone.

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