Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Drewly: Witcher’s Silver Sword

Witcher’s Silver Sword

Silver Sword: The second of the pair of swords carried by Witchers on the path. The silver sword is wielded against magical or supernatural beings that need to be disrupted by the silver to be slain.

Drewly day 10 is about one third of the way through Drewly. I’ve got 21 more pieces of art to post that I had already finished and weren’t made for posting during Dewly. I hope you too have some art you’d like to get shared and I hope you tag that art with #drewly and #drewly2024,

What is Drewly?

Drewly is a month-long art challenge for July where you post art you have already made. No new art just for Drewly.

There are three rules:
Only post art you have already made.
Post as much or as little as you are comfortable with.
Tag your posts with #drewly and #drewly2024

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating:
Make a one-time donation with Ko-Fi:
Become a sustaining supporter on Patreon: 

Thank you for your support.

Be excellent to everyone.

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