Monday, September 16, 2024

Swordtember: Amiri's Ginormous Bastard Sword

 Amiri's Ginormous Bastard Sword

Amiri's Ginormous Bastard Sword: This sword was taken by a young barbarian girl as a trophy after slaying a Frost Giant in combat.


I'm a big fan of the Pathfinder Iconics and I've been playing Owlcat's Pathfinder: Kingmaker on Steam lately, so this big sword was getting drawn sooner or later.

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Winged sandals

 Winged sandals

Roc’s Feather: Holding this feather from the titanic bird known as a roc allows a Link to jump higher and farther than before. Link can accomplish aerial attacks and with upgrades can even double jump. Roc’s feathers are pedestal items which means they can only be found on pedestals in specific levels and must be exchanged for any other pedestal item Link is carrying.

What would you do if you could leap two stories into the air? What if you could fall safely from great heights or even fly? You don’t have to wonder, you can find out if you can get to the sandals at the end of this magical cave.


Jump, fly, and glide items are always my favorite items in Zelda games. This meant I was stoked when Breath of the Wild gave me an always-available glider that gave me permission to leap from the most ridiculous heights.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Swordtember: Sword of Feast and Famine

Sword of Feast and Famine

Sword of Feast and Famine: Trapped in the twin blades of this sword is the power of abundance and the fatigue of scarcity.


This is the last of the Mirran Swords that I have finished. Hopefully, I will have more done by Swordtember 2025.

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Swordtember: Sword of Body and Mind

Sword of Body and Mind

Sword of Body and Mind: This sword has been enchanted to enhance the wielder's physical prowess and mental acuity.


Only one more Mirran Sword for this year's Swordtember.

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Swordtember: Sword of Fire and Ice

 Sword of Fire and Ice

Sword of Fire and Ice: The competing powers of fire and ice were bound into this blade.


Another of Magic: The Gathering's Mirran sword for Swordtember.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Swordtember: Sword of Light and Shadow

Sword of Light and Shadow

Sword of Light and Shadow: This blade was forged with the vital energy of light and the necrotic energy of shadow.


My Swordtember posts continue with a few of the Mirran Swords from Magic: The Gathering. I haven't finished that set yet, but it is slow moving so I wanted to share my progress.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Swordtember: The Trollhunter's Sword of Eclipse

The Trollhunter's Sword of Eclipse

Sword of Eclipse: If your giant troll-sized troll-slaying sword wasn't cool enough, why not give it a dark and edgy alternate manifestation after having a near-death experience fighting a god-like villain?


More Trollhunter fanart for swordtember.

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Swordtember: The Trollhunter's Sword of Daylight

The Trollhunter's Sword of Daylight

Sword of Daylight: The Trollhunter's blade is sized for a troll, not a scrawny teenager who somehow got their hands on a magic amulet with a legendary destiny.


More big swords for Swordtember.

Trollhunters is a delightful show that is good enough to actually watch and not so complicated as to not be worth putting on in the background while drawing. Shows like this are very important for the modern artist. If you have suggestions let me know.

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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Earthshaker’s mallets

Earthshaker’s mallets

Quake Medallion: The quake medallions of Four Swords Adventures are used to summon up earthquakes that reduce nearby enemies to jelly. They are not killed by this process, instead, they are simply reduced to non-threatening ooze creatures. The medallions appear in specific locations to provide the Links with a way to approach a seemingly overwhelming enemy.

The tremors caused by great drums being played are nothing compared to the power these mallets can unleash. When played as part of a great ritual of unmaking these mallets cause violent earthquakes. These quakes have sunk islands, leveled cities, and even woken a volcano from its long slumber.


I’m all for giving players cataclysmic power, but I usually attach a long complicated ritual to the power so that they can only use it when they have tamed the current trouble or are willing to risk their safety and success.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Swordtember: Greenflame Blade

 Greenflame Blade

Greenflame Blade: This sword has been cursed with obscurity. Once an infamous blade, now entirely forgotten.


Swordtember is a month-long art challenge themed around swords. I don't have a full month of new drawings in me, but I do have swords that I haven't posted, so I might as well just post some finished swords that haven't seen the light of day.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Swordtember: Dragon Slayer Sword

Dragon Slayer Sword

Dragon Slayer Sword: Guts' ultra-greatsword from the Berzerk manga. 


Swordtember is a month-long art challenge themed around swords. I don't have a full month of new drawings in me, but I do have swords that I haven't posted, so I might as well just post some finished swords that haven't seen the light of day.

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A matched pair of bracelets

 A matched pair of bracelets

Power Bracelet: These bracelets allow the Link wearing it to lift up extremely heavy objects. These bracelets are not pedestal items, so they act as a temporary upgrade for the Link that picks it up and lasts the entire level where they are found. The bracelets can be found in chests or given to a Link in exchange for their help solving some problem.

These matched sets of bracelets transfer strength and vigor from one person to another. Originally envisioned as a way for partners to share strength in an emergency, the bracelets are now most often used to steal energy from unwilling victims. It may not sound like much to have the strength of two people, but that is twice as strong as most people.


I think these bracelets turned out better than the first set I did for the blue bracelet. The black gem on gold is an unnatural contrast, but the black-and-white version of the item looks nice.

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