Sunday, September 15, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Winged sandals

 Winged sandals

Roc’s Feather: Holding this feather from the titanic bird known as a roc allows a Link to jump higher and farther than before. Link can accomplish aerial attacks and with upgrades can even double jump. Roc’s feathers are pedestal items which means they can only be found on pedestals in specific levels and must be exchanged for any other pedestal item Link is carrying.

What would you do if you could leap two stories into the air? What if you could fall safely from great heights or even fly? You don’t have to wonder, you can find out if you can get to the sandals at the end of this magical cave.


Jump, fly, and glide items are always my favorite items in Zelda games. This meant I was stoked when Breath of the Wild gave me an always-available glider that gave me permission to leap from the most ridiculous heights.

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