Sunday, September 8, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: Earthshaker’s mallets

Earthshaker’s mallets

Quake Medallion: The quake medallions of Four Swords Adventures are used to summon up earthquakes that reduce nearby enemies to jelly. They are not killed by this process, instead, they are simply reduced to non-threatening ooze creatures. The medallions appear in specific locations to provide the Links with a way to approach a seemingly overwhelming enemy.

The tremors caused by great drums being played are nothing compared to the power these mallets can unleash. When played as part of a great ritual of unmaking these mallets cause violent earthquakes. These quakes have sunk islands, leveled cities, and even woken a volcano from its long slumber.


I’m all for giving players cataclysmic power, but I usually attach a long complicated ritual to the power so that they can only use it when they have tamed the current trouble or are willing to risk their safety and success.

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