Sunday, September 22, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A barbaric spiked shield

 A barbaric spiked shield

Shield: The shield is a passive upgrade that automatically blocks some types of attacks. A Link that has picked up a shield will block on their own unless they are focusing on a task like chagrin up a whirlwind slash or a magic hammer shockwave.

A barbaric shield covered in spikes created by the barbaric warriors of the Highpeak Mountains. Some truly brash warriors have been seen wading into battle with a spiked shield in each hand as a contemptuous display of comfort fighting opponents deemed unworthy to bloody their blades. Perhaps such stories are all rumors spread by shrewd warriors unwilling to leave themselves unprotected in battle.


That is based on the Diablo II spiked shield model. The game weapon has more curved intimidating spikes, but the straight spikes in perspective were enough of a challenge for me when I drew this.

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