Sunday, September 1, 2024

Four Swords Adventures: A matched pair of bracelets

 A matched pair of bracelets

Power Bracelet: These bracelets allow the Link wearing it to lift up extremely heavy objects. These bracelets are not pedestal items, so they act as a temporary upgrade for the Link that picks it up and lasts the entire level where they are found. The bracelets can be found in chests or given to a Link in exchange for their help solving some problem.

These matched sets of bracelets transfer strength and vigor from one person to another. Originally envisioned as a way for partners to share strength in an emergency, the bracelets are now most often used to steal energy from unwilling victims. It may not sound like much to have the strength of two people, but that is twice as strong as most people.


I think these bracelets turned out better than the first set I did for the blue bracelet. The black gem on gold is an unnatural contrast, but the black-and-white version of the item looks nice.

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